• ilyenkov [she/her, they/them]
    9 months ago

    What is it about Russian capitalism that you like so much? Which of their anti-LGBTQ laws do you find more appealing than the west's?

    Nothing, I already established that.

    My position is that I do not give a shit who wins because they're both fascist.

    Liberal nonsense. They aren't. Further, Russia isn't the global hegemon, they aren't the power holding up the capitalist-imperialist world system. The US is. In this war, the Ukrainians are US proxies. The victory of Russia over NATO is a good thing for all the oppressed and marginalized people of the Earth. NATO victory would be catastrophic. Honestly, I despise liberals like you so fucking much. Normally I expect shit takes like this from federated shitheads. What are you doing here?

    • regul [any]
      9 months ago

      Your position is that Russia is not fascist, is that right?

        • regul [any]
          9 months ago

          How many laws criminalizing the self-expression of LGBT individuals does it take before a country becomes fascist? What about industrial capitalist collusion with the government? How much of that before you're fascist?

          In my eyes, the instant Yeltsin divvied up the state industries and created the oligarchs, he created an inextricable bond between private capital and the state.

          • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
            9 months ago

            Fascism isn't when there's a "private" economy and a "state" economy and they kiss in the closet. I'm sorry but this is just infantile. Fascism is the war footing of the bourgies in a class war. It's a specific thing. All capitalist states on Earth have "an inextricable bond between private capital and the state". They run the state! Capital controls the state in all capitalist nations. That doesn't make it fascism, it makes it capitalism. Fascism is a subset of that which requires anti-communism and violent privatization and destruction of labor. Under Putin's administration Russia has actually done the opposite, re-nationalizing much of what the Yeltsin gang sold off and privatized and improving labor rights from where they were in the 90s 'liberalization' period.

            As for LGBT rights, plenty of capitalist nations (non-imperialist ones too) have reactionary social views due to economic collapse and educational collapse. The 90s really did a number on the population of all ex-soviet states, the US spread blackest reaction to all of them but especially Ukraine where it continued its decades long project aerodynamic and worked on taking direct NATO control with Nazi proxies. Consider Palestine, Afghanistan or Iraq. They are not "fascists" because they have reactionary social views. They are socially reactionary, but that's not sufficient for fascism. You are extremely imprecise with your words.

          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
            9 months ago

            Being systemically homophobic is not what fascism is, though we expect it in a fascist state. That's like asking "how many claws does this need before you admit that it's a cat?" When you are talking about a falcon. This might surprise you, but medieval France wasn't fascist either.

            • regul [any]
              9 months ago

              Violent repression of the "other" plus capitalist entanglement with government. That's my definition of fascism.

              Russia checks both the boxes. So does the US.

              • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
                9 months ago

                Your definition of fascism describes every single neoliberal government on the planet. This lets you rationalize fence sitting in any situation where you think you can get away with it.

                • regul [any]
                  9 months ago

                  every single neoliberal government on the planet

                  Wow! What a weird opinion for a communist to have!

                  • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
                    9 months ago

                    wall-talk "Communism is when you call everything fascist and the more things you call fascist the more communist it is."

                    Why do or think about anything when the world is already fascist am I right fellow commies?/s