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What are the general trends, public's opinion on latest events, local, global, Ukraine. Is there something of note happening in your country, both good and bad?

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    1 year ago

    I can't speak for the trends of the Norwegian people in general, but I've been going to these really shitty "job skills" classes because of welfare, where they basically just get a group of long-term unemployed bozos and stick 'em in a room together without supervision in order to Direct Their Own Learning™... And I swear to God, the amount of fucking aneurysm-inducing nazi shit I've been forced to sit through for the past month is absolutely goddamn staggering. It's like I'm finally touching grass and meeting new people, but the new people hate East Asians, LGBT+, women, and immigrants, and believe that COVID-19 was concocted by a Jewish Democrat pedo cabal to destroy White Christianity and Our Glorious Western Civilization who are also obviously the True Inheritors of Rome, the Paragon of Masculinity (Joe Rogan said so!)...

    ...So I'm feeling a bit foolish right now for dismissing Marx's points on the lumpenproletariat, because these fucking [redacted] make me want to [redacted].

    So yeah. Apparently this is the type of shit that happens when you go on job seekers' welfare in Norway — very cool, litfam! It's absolutely fucking poggers that apparently these types of gobshites are common enough in this country that we can fill a whole room with them, with two closeted trans girls passing notes to each other in the back about how absolutely goddamn mortifying this all is.

    Nei vi hater dette landet som det faller ned!~