Solidarity to CodePink getting the message for diplomacy instead of endless money/arms heaping in the war as always. Can't habeeb Bernie went from resisting with his full body weight between two cops in his youth, to dolling out zip-ties like friendship bracelets. bern-disgust

  • daisy
    1 year ago

    There was absolutely no reason for socialists to continue supporting him after that occurred

    Especially after he enthusiastically endorsed Joe "Dixiecrat friends-with-Strom-Thurmond-and-Jesse-Helms Crime-Bill-writing make-discharging-student-loans-in-bankruptcy-illegal" Biden.

    If Sanders had the slightest personal convictions anymore, he'd have gone out in a blaze of glory after the 2020 primaries. He had a safe comfortable retirement on the horizon. He could have extremely publicly called out all his colleagues for the shady shit they've pulled. But no, he wanted to hang on in politics, so he made nice with the Democrats. He's a pale shadow of the good man he once was. Now he's just a sheepdog for the DNC, herding well-meaning but gullible soft-leftists into voting Democrat.