For this Friday Movie Night, first up is To Live and Die in L.A. (1985), concerning a cop who goes on a rampage after revenge after a criminal kills his partner. But what if, like, the cop was also bad? Whoa. This is one of the best-regarded films of director William Friedkin (The French Connection, The Exorcist, Sorcerer), and a features a highly-acclaimed turn from Willem Dafoe, so let’s check it out. After that, since we got Bonged last Friday, this time, we’re gonna get Parked, with the latest Park Chan-wook (Oldboy, The Handmaiden) film, Decision to Leave (2022). What happens when a man investigates a murder and starts woogin’ for the murderer? Sounds like Korean Basic Instinct to me, but hey, it’s received rave reviews everywhere, and has a very high Letterboxd score, so we’re watching it.

We’ll start at 9PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!


  • To Live and Die in LA:
  • Decision to Leave: links:

  • To Live and Die in L.A.:
  • Decision to Leave:

CWs for To Live and Die in LA:

  • Discussion of sexual assault.
  • A woman is strangled and threatened with sexual assault, though it does not ultimately happen.
  • Stalking.
  • Gaslighting.
  • Someone is buried alive.
  • Hospital scene.
  • Shaky cam.
  • Flashing lights.
  • Sex scenes.
  • Sad ending.
  • Car crash.
  • Blood and gore.
  • Gun violence.

CWs for Decision to Leave:

  • Stalking.
  • Domestic violence.
  • Gaslighting.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Drug addiction.
  • Deaths of animals.
  • Animal abuse.
  • Bugs.
  • Someone is buried alive.
  • Toe mutilation.
  • Eye mutilation.
  • Someone falls down stairs.
  • Shaving.
  • Death of parent.
  • Cheating.
  • Bath scene.
  • Spitting.
  • Needles.
  • Hospital scene.
  • Self-harm.
  • Misophonia.
  • Suicide attempt.
  • Suicide.
  • Shaky cam.
  • Flashing lights.
  • Sex scene. Pretty tame, though; nothing is really shown.
  • Dementia.
  • Sad ending.
  • Blood and gore.
  • Drowning.
  • Gun violence.

Links to movies:

  • To Live and Die in L.A.:
  • Decision to Leave: