Does anybody have link to a page (ideally Wikipedia or similar or the NYT or WaPo) that I can show that Israel is committing war crimes by denying civilians (in other words people) - food, water, medical care, etc?

I want to share it with libs instead of having a moronic arguments and having a feeling of [redacted]. Ideally - I want to simply want to share the link and the short(-ish) quote, have the last word, and leave.


I googled - of course - but google is really becoming a hot garbage dumpster fire.

The only thing I found that was remotely useful is The Siege of Gaza and the Starvation War Crime - A problem is that I don't want to argue with libs about the website. I don't know anything about it. Another problem is there's actually way too much info and there are way too many legal details.

If I shared a page like that. And I couldn't resist coming back to the thread hours later - I will have another feeling of [redacted] again if the lib had said "The page is too long so I can't verify your quote that you likely took out of context." or "I'm not a lawyer so won't read that page." or they wrote some other annoying nonsense.

    9 months ago

    Well before this war, there were numerous international laws being broken and crimes against humanity. The one that's always bothered me the most was when Israel would claim more territory and then claim the Palestinians had built illegal settlements. One time, my cousin's parents were taking me to pick up my cousin from his military base and I saw Israeli tanks driving at high speed through house after house in what looked like a poor suburb behind a large fence.

    I asked if they were running drills and I was told, "no, the Palestinians had to leave their homes while the land was under dispute, so our government is making sure they don't have homes to return to." That was the first time I began to understand why my aunt cried when "PeePee" Netanyahu was elected.