“North Korea has long supported Palestinian militant groups, and North Korean arms have previously been documented amongst interdicted supplies,” Jenzen-Jones told the AP.

  • Alch_Fox
    7 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      My fairly lib friend has been visibly radicalized since western governments started joyfully supporting a Palestinian genocide. I mentioned the other day maybe those ravers shouldn't have been partying a mile outside of Auschwitz and got zero push back.

        • Orcocracy [comrade/them]
          8 months ago

          Yeah, that was what GW Bush called the "Axis of Evil", blending the Axis from WWII with Reagan's description of the USSR as the "Evil Empire". It was a 2000s-era remix of 20th century greatest hits to make the US public support more war. Even back then when the US empire was at the height of its unipolar power it was running on nostalgic fumes of past glories.