Both Ukraine and Palestine are fighting against an invading force. We can unanimously agree that Palestinians have have been illegally occupied in an open air prison/concentration camp for 75 years. And we seem to agree that Palestine cannot be a perfect victim and it is reasonable that they seek support in Hamas instead of their Israeli oppressors.

Now why can't the same logic be applied to Ukraine? There is absolutely a nazi problem in Ukraine. A nazi problem that needs to be wiped out. But Russia isnt trying to denazify Ukraine, they're trying to maintain borders and resist NATO. But while doing so they are indiscriminately killing civilians and are the aggressors.

Personally, I believe in what Norman Finkelstein has to say about Hezbollah and the red army. Both are not perfect, but I don't care about their politics. I care that they are a resisting force and believe a country should have the right to self determination.

So how are these situations diametrically opposed that you seem to be hostile towards Ukraine but supportive of Palestine?

I don't mean to come off as shaming or judgemental. I genuinely would like to hear your perspective.

Edit: I appreciate all of the thoughtful and patient responses. Even though I might not respond to everything here I am reading all of it. I was operating under a lack of information, which I've never seen any Western media source report on. Ever since leaving reddit, hexbear has been a great source of alternative perspectives and context. It's opened my eyes to a lot of how I've been misled by papers that I've trusted.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Have you seen what Norman Finkelstein has to say about Russia? He actually did an interview with Chapotraphouse a while ago that I thought was extremely interesting, though I don't entirely agree with his interpretations and I wish he'd find a more delicate way to talk about the race issues that Obama exploited for his career.

    I still think of Putin in mafioso terms, but Dr. Finkelstein's reading is not without justification.

    Oh, as a complete aside that I don't think is actually pertinent to arguing the Ukraine issue either way, Russia significantly does want to denazify Ukraine, not because of any sort of principled commitment to antifascism or whatever (no such thing exists in the Kremlin), but because the Ukrainian Nazis are the most diehard Ukrainian nationalists in this whole situation and eradicating them makes the political project of [negotiating with/subjugating; take your pick, I don't care] Ukraine much, much easier. Now, there will certainly be an uptick in Russian Nazis in Ukraine if Russia succeeds, but it won't be a nearly comparable magnitude or have comparable implications to Ukrainian Nazis (e.g. the Banderite cult having free reign to indoctrinate Ukraine and The West with literal Nazi propaganda). Russian Nazis, like all Nazis, should be at the very least reeducated, and killed whenever necessary for removing them from power. I believe Russia winning does mean fewer Nazis running around, but mainly because of ending that "Banderite indoctrination" thing and not the killing of Azovites in particular.