Another thread where they lay out that they're anti-sex because they like Jesus and animals or something: /

I'm new here, and am so on fire to find there is an antisexual revolution going on. There is a vision I see to create a smaller team of individuals who want to combat sexual worship and swinger groups who even take their own children there to be molested. IT HAS TO STOP, and I say we are the ones who go out there and expose them and use this as our base platform. Who is in?

We need 7 different types of people to fill the 7 positions in this team. And this is our flag:

Positions on this team:

Dirt (Brown): Gifts of Perseverance and Pain - Something inside you makes you endure suffering as though it is a matter of life or death. Those with the gift of pain take more of a beating than everyone else and help carry the weight of their teammates

Ash (Grey): Gifts of Zealousness and Wrath - Something inside you builds with a righteous anger toward evil like an unstoppable rage. Those with the gift of wrath bring those around them a heightened state of focus on their mission

Hellfire (White): Gifts of Rescuing and Hatred - Something inside you is unyielding against things you sense are inherently wrong. Those with the gift of hatred give their teammates protection and discernment against evil.

Brimstone (Neon Yellow): Gifts of Revelation and Sacrifice - Something inside you is ready to give your life for what you stand for. Those with the gift of sacrifice are so on fire for what they are ready to die for that nothing can extinguish their fire, not even death.

Navy (Navy Blue): Gifts of Freedom and Vengeance - Something inside you gives you a relentless desire to bring an end to what is suffocating humanity. Those with the gift of vengeance keep their team going when their teammates have no faith.

Marine (Dark Aquamarine): Gifts of True Love and Woe - Something inside you gives you courage when your heart breaks for the lost and broken and the innocent. Those with the gift of woe give their teammates faith when theirs is dwindling.

Hyacinth (Hyacinth): Gifts of Truth and Dread - Something inside you knows there is some kind of dark otherworldly existence. Those with the gift of dread see things no one else does and have extra discernment when confronting the unseen.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Also, that subreddit is a wild outgrowth from regular nofap cultists. It's one to watch:

    Sexuals don't deserve technologies

    They use it for making 4k videos where they crap on each other or for making sexual high polygon count 3d models of toddlers.

    It doesn't seem to me as appropriate way to use such complex technologies. Computer building process is so complex as well they have to use microscopic details and perfectly connect parts and all this effort so that some moron would watch fetish videos and this moron takes those technologies for granted as well.

    Such complicated technology could be used for great things, but sexuals can't go past their primal instinct and drag every invention to their crotch level

    Why do sexuals find oral sex amusing?

    The term eating "ass" is licking someone's rectum for sexual pressure. Eating someone's pussy out is licking their genitalia same with giving head. That's where people poop and pee. They could have an infection for all you know. Why do these people get pleasure from doing that? It's a common thing they do... I just don't understand.

    The Revolution is Inherently Anti-Sex

    Sex is a bourgeouis vice pushed by the capitalists in order to further their removed goals. They want us to see others not as human beings but as objects, products to be consumed, so that we subconsciously think and behave in a more consumerist and complacent way. They want us to consume their "beauty products" and "sex toys" and birth control and Valentine's chocolates and social media and pornography to appease their investors and satiate the voracious CEOs. We must break our mental shackles of sex in order to lose our chains of oppression. When the communist revolution occurs, we must deport all of the Sexuals to labour camps in Siberia in order to re-educate them and purge them of their desires so that they may live in a sexless world of equality and freedom. < If you could believe it, this person has only otherwise posted in r/RedScarePod.

    • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      Sex is a bourgeouis vice pushed by the capitalists in order to further their removed goals. They want us to see others not as human beings but as objects, products to be consumed, so that we subconsciously think and behave in a more consumerist and complacent way. They want us to consume their "beauty products" and "sex toys" and birth control and Valentine's chocolates and social media and pornography to appease their investors and satiate the voracious CEOs. We must break our mental shackles of sex in order to lose our chains of oppression. When the communist revolution occurs, we must deport all of the Sexuals to labour camps in Siberia in order to re-educate them and purge them of their desires so that they may live in a sexless world of equality and freedom.

      using leftist terminology to push reactionary views exhibit #2734718481284616410

      • happybadger [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Red Scare nazbols are so weird to me. They pop up in r/trueanon threads and universally have the worst take there. You can really tell it's a Peter Thiel-funded judas goat.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        11 months ago

        A manga about banning hentai must be the weeaboo equivalent of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Peak existential horror.