Another thread where they lay out that they're anti-sex because they like Jesus and animals or something: /

I'm new here, and am so on fire to find there is an antisexual revolution going on. There is a vision I see to create a smaller team of individuals who want to combat sexual worship and swinger groups who even take their own children there to be molested. IT HAS TO STOP, and I say we are the ones who go out there and expose them and use this as our base platform. Who is in?

We need 7 different types of people to fill the 7 positions in this team. And this is our flag:

Positions on this team:

Dirt (Brown): Gifts of Perseverance and Pain - Something inside you makes you endure suffering as though it is a matter of life or death. Those with the gift of pain take more of a beating than everyone else and help carry the weight of their teammates

Ash (Grey): Gifts of Zealousness and Wrath - Something inside you builds with a righteous anger toward evil like an unstoppable rage. Those with the gift of wrath bring those around them a heightened state of focus on their mission

Hellfire (White): Gifts of Rescuing and Hatred - Something inside you is unyielding against things you sense are inherently wrong. Those with the gift of hatred give their teammates protection and discernment against evil.

Brimstone (Neon Yellow): Gifts of Revelation and Sacrifice - Something inside you is ready to give your life for what you stand for. Those with the gift of sacrifice are so on fire for what they are ready to die for that nothing can extinguish their fire, not even death.

Navy (Navy Blue): Gifts of Freedom and Vengeance - Something inside you gives you a relentless desire to bring an end to what is suffocating humanity. Those with the gift of vengeance keep their team going when their teammates have no faith.

Marine (Dark Aquamarine): Gifts of True Love and Woe - Something inside you gives you courage when your heart breaks for the lost and broken and the innocent. Those with the gift of woe give their teammates faith when theirs is dwindling.

Hyacinth (Hyacinth): Gifts of Truth and Dread - Something inside you knows there is some kind of dark otherworldly existence. Those with the gift of dread see things no one else does and have extra discernment when confronting the unseen.

    • Helmic [he/him]
      11 months ago

      yeah back when there was only the discord, i viewed the volcel memes as a funny pushback on the idea that you have to be OK with lots of sexual stuff or just having porn in main or whatever, a way to make space for ace comrades.

      but i think over time it's lent itself to both the discord and hexbear having some bad tenderqueer tendencies, unironically presenting being openly sexual as itself inherently inappropriate or harmful to others - see kink at pride discourse and the betrayal of communities that have long struggled against cops as part of the queer community, or frankly some SWERF tendencies that just outright ignore what sex workers themselves - especially black prostitutes - have actually written on the topic and their very hostile views on "abolitionist" feminists (or the term "sex worker" itself kinda being used by academics as a form of stolen valor to present people who just research sex as marginalized and oppressed as people who literally have sex for money). like one of the earliest dramas of this community came out of some asshole singling out an autistic mod and relying on the fact that they're openly sexual and also awkward to present them as some sinister predator - i don't think it would have caused as much harm had the community been more critical of this framing of sexuality.

      iunno where the line is, as i think it's still OK to communicate that it's fine to be sex repulsed and important that people's boundaries be respected. but i do think that there is a problem around the entitlement to comfort; i mostly personally know this through an autistic lens, but the vagueness of an appeal to "discomfort" often does just refer to someone literally just acting autistic (my eyes and facial expressions make people "uncomfortable" and I get called "creepy" purely because my mask is imperfect), i watched mastodon libs appeal to comfort to silence black people just talking about everyday racism they encounter, and i think the tenderqueer expectation that their discomfort requires nobody ever be sexual in their presence causes a lot of similar problems.

      i think the memes are probably still fine but maybe there ought to be some nuance introduced to make sure they're not being used nappropriately, to avoid falling into that kind of rreaction.

      • kristina [she/her]
        11 months ago

        My thing is when a space is overtly sexual it becomes easier for people to play off them harassing women as a joke or whatever

        This happens a lot online

        • Helmic [he/him]
          11 months ago

          yep. and the chaser shit. and people with very problematic kinks. there's very good reasons to have a less sexual space.

            • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
              11 months ago

              Misogynists, Chasers, Pedophiles.

              Anyone who has a kink with an implicit lack of consent from another party. Those groups will thrive on forum environments if you don't remove them.

                • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
                  11 months ago

                  I'm that case, the second part of my comment still stands, just anything that involves pushing yourself into a group that isn't participating. Exhibitionism, catcalling, etc.

                  Treating a general forum like a pornhub comments section and describing graphic sexual acts in a not explicitly sexual post.

                  In terms of like specific kinks, as long as it's between consenting adults and no one gets seriously hurt it's all gravy

          • kristina [she/her]
            11 months ago

            idk i think hexbear has so far had very good moderation policy on this. the volcel thing is a meme, theres definitely people talking about sexuality and horniness here seriously (i thirst post about my bf all the time here). i guess like, what kind of post do you want to make rather than something abstract? like give me an example

              • kristina [she/her]
                11 months ago

                Yeah I get what you're getting at now. Not sure how moderation would work in that instance but it does sound like a niche. Id even say there's a lot of pretty sexual memes posted to c/traa but I just make sure they're NSFW tagged and not directed at anyone in particular and aren't porn. Going through a second puberty is a weird thing for a lot of people so rules leniency and learning from others about boundaries is important.

                  • kristina [she/her]
                    11 months ago

                    Np 👍 if you have any suggestions for the comm I'm all ears. If you stick to one long term account with good mileage (decent number of comments and posts) I'll even add you as a mod if you want. My goal is to get as many people involved as possible so we can spread dealing with transphobia and so on out among a lot of people so no one gets burned out.

        • kristina [she/her]
          11 months ago

          truth is that this isn’t a safe space for bi, gay, lesbian, or any other allosexual queer group

          Strongly disagree, I'm bi and feel safer here than anywhere else on the Internet.

            • kristina [she/her]
              11 months ago

              i can totally read english and some things dont instantly leave my brain i swear blob-no-thoughts

              like im fine with selective horny posting about vague topics, i think directing horniness at any one person that isnt like, your SO or w.e., is dangerous though. proper nsfw tagging should apply so people can tune out

              • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
                11 months ago

                We have pingu-horny horny emotes, so this place also isn't totally anti-sex. We just don't want to deal with hosting literal pornography on here. There are dozens of sex related posts here that thrive and the volcel stuff is only brought up when people start getting a bit too aggressive with their hornyness.

                Porn, being horny, and discussions about porn and being horny are all different things and the latter two are definitely welcome here with some caveats on the being horny.

        • Helmic [he/him]
          11 months ago

          That is true. But I still think there's an issue with many of these spaces of defining anything outside that space as bad - I often see autistic spaces get really, really caught up in presenting allistic people as bad and ignoring intersectional politics, thinking hte issue is that allistic people are assholes and not that we're up against a neuronormative society and medical industrial complex that views our pathologization as a new market to expand to and colonize (and that this tendency hurts lots of allistic people as well - such as black prisoners getting longer sentences after being diagnosed as sociopaths). See also: every marginalized group attempting to define their own oppression as the root of all oppression and eveyrthing else as simply downstream of their own - racism being defined as a form of sexism as criticized by black feminists, or disabled people definng disability as the root form of all bigotry through which all other bigotries are expressed, and the inevitable conclusion taht gets drawn from that that my particular oppression therefore ought to be prioritized because it'll fix everyone else's problem by definition.

          On the discord there was a pretty long stretch of SWERF shit getitng posted that really only came to stop when someone who actually had been trafficked and also did voluntary sex work told people to fuck off. That is the point at which I think there's more of a need to criticize a space being potentially too isolated from things people find discomforting, it does lend itself to that kind of uncriticized perspective that can make one group actively harmful to another because they're developing their politics without needing to consider anyone else's situation. Which, y'know, results in shit like white queers on 196 yelling at black queers for daring to complain about #SayHerName getting used for a pretty white trans girl and completely overshadowing the many black and indigenous women whose murders were going completely unreported on, as had been the hashtag's purpose for years. It's my safe space and I don't have to share it sorta shit.

        • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
          11 months ago

          I think part of the issue is that things like, being gay, or being bisexual, are just as much about experiencing and having attraction and sex as being ace is about being sex repulsed and uncomfortable with the presence of sex in discussions.

          Being ace isn't just about being sex repulsed! It's a spectrum too, and some are, but it's not a uniform thing.

          I wouldn't even say I'm uncomfortable with the topic in discussions, i just don't really have a lot to contribute. That said also I haven't had a great experience in some irl queer spaces because I just don't fit in.

  • Crowtee_Robot [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Holy shit, just convert to Catholicism and move to Seville already.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Also, that subreddit is a wild outgrowth from regular nofap cultists. It's one to watch:

    Sexuals don't deserve technologies

    They use it for making 4k videos where they crap on each other or for making sexual high polygon count 3d models of toddlers.

    It doesn't seem to me as appropriate way to use such complex technologies. Computer building process is so complex as well they have to use microscopic details and perfectly connect parts and all this effort so that some moron would watch fetish videos and this moron takes those technologies for granted as well.

    Such complicated technology could be used for great things, but sexuals can't go past their primal instinct and drag every invention to their crotch level

    Why do sexuals find oral sex amusing?

    The term eating "ass" is licking someone's rectum for sexual pressure. Eating someone's pussy out is licking their genitalia same with giving head. That's where people poop and pee. They could have an infection for all you know. Why do these people get pleasure from doing that? It's a common thing they do... I just don't understand.

    The Revolution is Inherently Anti-Sex

    Sex is a bourgeouis vice pushed by the capitalists in order to further their removed goals. They want us to see others not as human beings but as objects, products to be consumed, so that we subconsciously think and behave in a more consumerist and complacent way. They want us to consume their "beauty products" and "sex toys" and birth control and Valentine's chocolates and social media and pornography to appease their investors and satiate the voracious CEOs. We must break our mental shackles of sex in order to lose our chains of oppression. When the communist revolution occurs, we must deport all of the Sexuals to labour camps in Siberia in order to re-educate them and purge them of their desires so that they may live in a sexless world of equality and freedom. < If you could believe it, this person has only otherwise posted in r/RedScarePod.

    • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      Sex is a bourgeouis vice pushed by the capitalists in order to further their removed goals. They want us to see others not as human beings but as objects, products to be consumed, so that we subconsciously think and behave in a more consumerist and complacent way. They want us to consume their "beauty products" and "sex toys" and birth control and Valentine's chocolates and social media and pornography to appease their investors and satiate the voracious CEOs. We must break our mental shackles of sex in order to lose our chains of oppression. When the communist revolution occurs, we must deport all of the Sexuals to labour camps in Siberia in order to re-educate them and purge them of their desires so that they may live in a sexless world of equality and freedom.

      using leftist terminology to push reactionary views exhibit #2734718481284616410

      • happybadger [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Red Scare nazbols are so weird to me. They pop up in r/trueanon threads and universally have the worst take there. You can really tell it's a Peter Thiel-funded judas goat.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        11 months ago

        A manga about banning hentai must be the weeaboo equivalent of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Peak existential horror.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Pretty much. He's so unhorny that he became a power ranger.

      • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
        11 months ago

        There is a vision I see to create a smaller team of individuals who want to combat sexual worship and swinger groups who even take their own children there to be molested.

        Just very normal shit.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    11 months ago

    There is a vision I see to create a smaller team of individuals who want to combat sexual worship and swinger groups who even take their own children there to be molested. IT HAS TO STOP

    Never been but I'm pretty sure swinger parties don't allow children (unless it's on Little St. James)

    • happybadger [he/him]
      11 months ago

      The one who wants to ban technology for sexuals has that same fixation. I haven't fully dissected this community yet but they seem very Qanon-pilled compared to normal Nofappers. Still the same kind of reactionary Christians who'd be school shooters if their arms weren't too weak to hold a gun, but they have that kind of Frazzledrip obsession with the graphic details of what they think sex is. These are some Wagyu beef goobers.

      • BeamBrain [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Frazzledrip obsession with the graphic details of what they think sex is.

        I'm morbidly curious now

        • happybadger [he/him]
          11 months ago

          That guy thinks swinger parties are a generic blood libel conspiracy. This one is convinced that sexuals have fucked every object in their house and has seen the video that proves it:

          There was a post that show how many different things sexuals managed to get stuck inside of them

          And it's not a full list of what sexuals masturbate with, they just take random things that lay in their house and just start using them form masturbation. They could grab a shampoo or a toilet paper roll sleeve or a remote anything that they see or use vibration feature on their phones, great way to use such complex technology for sure.

          And they call themselves progressive, ha, they are barely any different from dogs who hump pillows.

          There even was a video where a girlfriend let her boyfriend into the house and after she left him for a while he cut 2 holes in her new mattress and had sex with it.

          Well ,we will never understand the intellectually superior, mentally healthy sexuals who cover all of their belongings in jizz and cut holes in every pillow and mattress in their house to have sex with it

          This one is shocked that AliExpress sells "fictional CP" in a repeat of the Wayfair conspiracy, but curiously whenever I go there it just shows mycology supplies because I'm not specifically searching for CSAM:

          I can't believe what I saw, there are products that depict fictional children in sexual ways or nude. I never knew that aliexpress would allow things like that.

          They are just selling things like that out in the open and nobody does anything about it, I didn't see anybody talking about it either. Any pedophiles can just buy themselves a pillow with a nude fictional child. I hope that at least the border control arrests products like that because this is just insane.

          This one is saying pet parents are an extension of the paedophile conspiracy to corrupt them through modern language:

          A few years ago, someone bought me a mug with the words "cat dad" on it. Because I love my cat.

          But for some reason it made me reflexively uncomfortable. I could never put my finger on it. So I left it sitting in my cupboard the entire time.

          I'm now realizing why: pedophilia culture, rape culture, and the rampant sexualization of innocuous concepts like parenthood.

          I constantly see bios and comments online where people refer to themselves as "MILFs" or "DILFs"; where grown men and women refer to themselves, casually, as a "dom daddy/mommy" or say they're looking for a "sugar daddy" or a "sugar mommy." Young women signal their intent to happily engage in violent, degrading sex by hinting that they've got "daddy issues." Even during sex, "daddy" is a not-uncommon expression in the same vein as moaning.

          It's sickening. And now I can't see shit like "dad" or "mom" without red flags going off, even if it's used in an otherwise innocuous and completely non-sexual context.

          edit: Admins I need this to be a site tagline please:

          Well ,we will never understand the intellectually superior, mentally healthy sexuals who cover all of their belongings in jizz and cut holes in every pillow and mattress in their house to have sex with it

            • happybadger [he/him]
              11 months ago

              By being the most terminally horny people in existence who also consider themselves Christian martyrs if they go 1 week 12 minutes without masturbating. They think the devil is personally gangstalking them to make them horny and the harder they deny that they're horny the more supportive the cult is. I don't know anything about that Russian Orthodox cult where they all castrated themselves but I imagine it was a prototype of Nofap culturally.

    • kristina [she/her]
      11 months ago

      idk i feel like theyd be totally down with physical castration with how wild their takes are

  • GriffithDidNothingWrong [comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    My parents had me pretty late in life and I still remember my middle-aged fathers befuddlement when he discovered his teenaged child listening to gangster rap. I finally understand how he felt in that moment. I have no idea what to make of this shit

    • happybadger [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I slurp up the most brain-poisoned shit I can find like a milkshake and r/antisex is testing the logical limits of that. It's such a weird mix of different types of Guy.

      • GriffithDidNothingWrong [comrade/them]
        11 months ago

        If they just gave the colors some super powers and wrote a dystopian YA fantasy novel I could see it selling. Booktok nerds would love making fun of it anyway

        • happybadger [he/him]
          11 months ago

          It really does need superpowers. I was trying to imagine how this squad would do a mission and all of the character traits seem to be focused on the climax of an anime when the heroes need to rely on friendship to survive the combined powers of hell. But like this is just 7 incels trying to shoot up Comet Ping Pong in the form of a swingers party looking for children that don't exist. There's no moment where they're losing faith or rolling for perception. The only time they're facing death is when the police shoot them. At least have like a hacker guy and a crowbar guy. How do you get in the door if you don't have a barbarian with a crowbar?

          • GriffithDidNothingWrong [comrade/them]
            11 months ago

            Hyacinth uses power to see the unseen to scry the dark web fetlife for sex parties and Ash could use their wrath power to batter down a non deadlocked security door. I think they had a hate guy, they could probably do the killing. Then all the faith people try to console them when they realize there are no kids and they just butchered a bunch of PMCs who were bored with their sex lives

  • kristina [she/her]
    11 months ago

    Honey wake up 7 new astrological signs just dropped

  • DayOfDoom [any, any]
    11 months ago

    I'm a combination of Ash, Navy, and Hyacinth.

    I'm doing this, but towards assembling a team to tackle all the bug posters on here who keep telling me they need to stretch all 4:3 video to 16:9 and it's "privileged" to try living a vegan lifestyle.

    • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
      11 months ago

      You and your "pan and scan" heresy must be burned out of this earth. We aren't stretching shit, widescreen downpulls are more legit! Film aspect ratio is 1.85:1! It doesn't even fit in 4:3!

      Letterbox this, doomer! popuko-fist

    • happybadger [he/him]
      11 months ago

      My driving obsession online. Goober Cyberanthropology is like staring into the abyss of pathologies.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      11 months ago

      At least for me it's a dead link. I fucked around with the URL and can't get it to come up. I'm thinking it might be this SFW image they posted elsewhere but it's also not really a flag:

        • happybadger [he/him]
          11 months ago

          I'm so disappointed that it's actually the flag he's proposing for his anti-sex justice league. My dog's country has a better flag.