• Bassword
    8 months ago

    Animal agriculture is horrible for the environment so arguably a vegan diet helps all classes.

    • commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      (Vegetarian here that only eats honey and eggs from a local farm but still feels bad about it) Western animal agriculture is bad, no doubt. I am totally convinced that a society which has animals as a part of a whole healthy environment in like a permaculture+animals sharing the space society can eat animal products and possibly even the animal in cases where it's healthiest for the entirety of the society including animals (think here of removing a male lion to allow a healthier population in total, but for goats that have been milked but live normal and free/safe lives). This would likely be temporary before becoming unnecessary if we reach a point past scarcity of proteins/foods. Max Ajl talks about this often (though he can be a bit chuddy about it, he's trying to protect pastoralists with it I think)

    • toomanyjoints69@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      That seems really vague to me. A lot of things are bad for the environment.

      I could see how it would be bad for the world, so the magical make the world vegan button would be pressed. I simpky see no reason to become vegan, or personally participate in any activism that helps animals.

      • Bassword
        8 months ago

        How is it vague? Animal agriculture is one of many things that are bad for the environment. Reducing these bad things is good for the environment. A good environment is good for people, including you, your community, your class, and everyone else.

        Individuals are only going to have a microeffect but it's still an effect for good overall.

          • NewAcctWhoDis [any]
            8 months ago

            I dont think the microeffect is worth it and im philosophically against individualist solutions

            I take it a step further and think everyone should do as much harm to the environment as they can, individually.

            • toomanyjoints69@lemmygrad.ml
              8 months ago

              Lol when u change the oil on your ford f150 pour out half thr oil on the ground. Remove the cat converter and drive without a muffler.