• MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
    8 months ago

    They're trying to first legitimize the child sex-work/exploitation. Then, they can move on to "Who are we to tell the child how much she should accept? If we let the market work and the girl wants to accept 100k, or even just 1k, why should we prevent her from maximizing her utility?"

    They're just trying to use big numbers to motivate the permissability in theory as a "gotcha, now you have to support child sex-work in general" argument. The correct response of course is to beat this person to death as an example.

    • ShareThatBread [he/him, he/him]
      8 months ago

      They’re also using the big number because deep down they know that, as structured now, labour is exploited by capital. So they put the big number place holder in to appeal to people who would take a big dose of exploitation/trauma in order to have a life for free of that after the said event.

      • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
        8 months ago

        Sure thing! I didn't mean it as a correction but rather an exposition. Feeling grossed out by what's going on here is a perfectly acceptable reaction, but being able to explain it coherently and combat this rhetoric takes some training. Just trying to give comrades a chance to learn.