I'll edit my responses here...

A small anecdote here: I read a few days ago that apparently, Alzheimer's patients get their daily routine and circadian rhythm knocked around by this policy

Edit 2: It's funny how people are talking about time, as if this were my 2nd post of discussion on why time measurement is bullshit, on my account...

Some memorable replies here:

another point is that it's probably not great for animals with a strong internal clock

Do not make me get up an hour earlier I will fucking cut you.

On the other hand it is nice the park is open later but have you considered just adequately lighting the park bike paths?

it's bad and we should commemorate the inventor with a public toilet

  • Rom [he/him]
    8 months ago

    I vote for permanent DST, because this wintertime getting dark at 4:30pm bullshit sucks ass.

      • Rom [he/him]
        8 months ago

        If all the consumerism were excised from Christmas and the holiday was relegated back to December where it belongs, I might be able to tolerate it. Festive decorations are pretty, spending time with family is pretty great (also Christmas dinner slaps), and some of the old music (read: not any of that modern "I'm a famous artist buy my obligatory Christmas album" shit) is decently enjoyable, even if it's only the nostalgia speaking. I don't care for the religious angle, and the "Christmas is for Christ" ghouls can eat my entire ass since so much of the holiday was lifted from Pagan traditions, but the few non-religious parts of Christmas that haven't been turned into a capitalist lich are rather nice.

    • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
      8 months ago

      same. I can sorta see the argument for the opposite but my circadian rhythm does not allow me to get up early enough to give a shit