• Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
    7 个月前

    This now an AMA post.

    @ziq@hexbear.net, how do you feel about showering with your homies? Personally, I can't really respect a person until I've seen their hog.

    e: pronoun correction

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      7 个月前

      I was wondering why they showed up to comment on this thread so much, with perfect "I'm not mad! You're mad! You're all just jealous!" energy.

      NGL, wind has been taken out of my sails a bit, I thought this was ego driven, that they found this thread from constantly searching for mentions of raddle everywhere. Don't really want to bully them now, they're more pathetic and sad than anything.

    • ziq [they/them]
      7 个月前

      i'm convinced this site has rotted away all your critical thinking skills

      you’ve become conditioned to parrot the party line and be rewarded for it, no matter how disconnected from reality it becomes. you need that dopamine hit of the collective praising you for owning the anarkiddies with your gulag memes

      UwU daddy save me with your big strong tank

      • isa41@lemm.ee
        7 个月前

        you’ve become conditioned to parrot the party line and be rewarded for it, no matter how disconnected from reality it becomes.

        Pretty rich coming from someone who parrots the US State Department's line on every AES country and every successful revolution.

        you need that dopamine hit of the collective praising you for owning the anarkiddies

        Right, yeah, that's sure what happens all the time on an instance where people get banned for being anti-anarchist, anti-anarchist sentiment will get a comment removed, and where a good number of the users, even some mods and "power users" are themselves openly anarchist. Yet you run a "community" that bans anyone and everyone with the slightest hint of support for those ebil AuThOrItArIaN socialist countries, and constantly post threads about how dumb and mean those theory-reading "tankies" are. Projection much?