I just learned his name via the article.

Can a socialist ex-marine fill Joe Manchin's seat in West Virginia? | The Guardian

Sun 19 Nov 2023

To launch his campaign for US Senate, Zach Shrewsbury chose the site of one of America’s most famous hangings.

Charles Town, West Virginia, was where state authorities executed the abolitionist John Brown after he led an attack on a federal armory a few miles down the road in Harpers Ferry, a pivotal moment in the lead-up to the civil war. One hundred and sixty four years later, Shrewsbury – who decided against attempting to get a permit for the event at the site of the insurrection, which is now a national park – stood on the courthouse grounds where Brown’s hanging took place to announce that he would be the only “real Democrat” running to represent West Virginia in the Senate next year.

"We need leaders that are cut from the working-class cloth..."

He seems legit but I didn't read the rest of the article because I'm tired of the media leading me down the garden path.

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    r/politics thread

    The top comments aren't the garbage I expected.

    One things for sure, he won’t win if he can’t even get out of the gate and breakthrough with voters. There’s an argument to be made that this type of politician is what is needed to win in WV, unapologetic, and looking to improve actual people’s lives rather than some milquetoast Dem or a Republican who’s only interested in fighting culture wars.

    He won’t stand a chance without support, just saying: https://www.shrewsburyforsenate.com/

    Edit: apparently I’ve been using the wrong form of milk + toast, whoops.