FINALLY someone thought up "what are you gonna do, vote for the other guy?????"

collecting a sweet paycheck advising dems to do the same fucking shit for literally decades

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    10 months ago

    I just WONDER why all of these NATO countries have such nazi problems in their militaries? I just cannot figure that out. I sure hope the CIA has never been chummy with nazis, worked with them and helped them get into positions of power. Nato sure loves its nazis, huh...

    To be honest, a Russian invasion of Germany wouldn't happen (because, why?) but I wouldn't exactly be waving Germany's flag if Russia decided that their army being full of neonazis wasn't that cool.

    So yes-comm

      10 months ago

      I think it's because in general the only people here who like to stomp around in camo gear and bark orders around (and suck up to superiors) are kinda inclined that way anyway. A normal person wouldn't do that willingly. They like to be respected. I wouldn't want my job to tell me when to eat, sleep, carry heavy shit through the mud, kill people and get shot at and mindlessly obey someone else just because of some stripes, not because they earned my respect.

      Fascists thrive in this kind of environment. It attracts them. The military here is kinda welfare for those types. We don't really have this worship of military service and our country in general in Europe.

      Of course we need defense but I see much more value in a nuclear umbrella and automated drones etc. No need for boots on the ground. I wish we invested more into those things.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        10 months ago

        Your first paragraph is true on its own, but do you not see the structural, systemic problems with militaries like this? How the US was happy to aid far-right Ukranian war criminals in the 1940s and prop them up as lobbyists? How the Euromaidan coup was funded by the US? Not coincidental.

        I can't really engage in your call for more nukes and drones though, as if that's a solution or something, very obama-drone

          10 months ago

          Yes I do see the problem with militaries like this. Don't see the solution though. Most Western European countries have some neonazis in their ranks because they just like it. The good thing is that this place is actually the easiest place to control them because they do believe in following orders.

          I'm certainly not going to volunteer and most sane people aren't. IMO the whole hierarchical concept of the military just attracts this kind of type and I'd never work like that. Even if I'd been drafted (we still had this when I was young) I would have ended up in jail or something, there's no way I would have followed orders I didn't agree with.

          Regarding the drones and nukes I view them totally defensive only. Not for playing world police like Obama has done. IMO the department of 'defense' should defend their homeland and that of their allies only. Not defend oil interests or other geopolitical grandstanding.

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            10 months ago

            The solution might involve an end to right-wing imperialist nations and their militaries. Where do you think you are? Yes, the hierarchical concept of these militaries does attract this sort of thing - again, see the inherent problem? These are problems that are not bugs but features of the way these states and nations work. Intentional.