• quarrk [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I've spent a significant amount of time in most states east of the Mississippi. A while ago I went to Texas for the first time outside the confines of an airport.

    Texas is maybe the worst state I've been to. "Maybe" because I'm deciding if Louisiana is worse, excluding Nola.

    If you hate pervasive Republican/conservative/Christian ideology, you will hate Texas. If you hate Libertarianism, you will hate Texas. If you hate car-dominated transit, you will hate Texas.

    The best thing about Texas is tacos and general Tex-Mex food. Not a huge endorsement of a place if its best attributes are its external influences.

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      I've lived here for over a decade and this is all correct.

      Grab a few tacos on the way through but burn it all down behind you please. It fucking sucks here.

        • @Morgoon@startrek.website
          7 months ago

          I went to Houston for the first time this year. I knew they're against any socialist policies but the thing that shocked me was no sidewalks! I was wondering how they managed so I did some research and they just don't. Hundreds of pedestrians are killed each year in the greater Houston sidewalk-less suburban area (statistically seniors?)

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            7 months ago

            Houston is a nightmare, I've been doing a ton of permitting out there and it's basically impossible because they use 95% of the right of way for the widest streets possible and if you're lucky enough to have a sidewalk, it usually doesn't connect to anything.

            It's not as bad as Scottsdale/Phoenix though

          • @Great_Leader_Is_Dead
            7 months ago

            Austin is the same, my sister lives there and a couple times while visiting her I walked her dog. Some houses have sidewalks, some don't, it's totally left up to the discretion of the home builder/owner if they want to put one in. So you'll have two houses with side walks then 6 with one and then one house with one...

            It's fucking horrible for walking dogs and pedestrians in general.

          • quarrk [he/him]
            7 months ago

            Yes Houston is one of the cities I went to. I actually tried walking once out of spite. What would have been a 5 minute drive was a 40 minute walk along loud and ugly cement roads breathing in fumes from huge mall crawler Jeeps.

    • Dessa [she/her]
      7 months ago

      I really want to visit New Orleans some time. It's a cultural capital and the birthplace of Jazz music. It's gotta have some things going for it.

      Not anything in Texas I feel like I NEED to see, (though I'll hit the San Antonio riverwalk if I ever find myself there). Im sure both are shitty places to live, but one of em looks better for visitin

      • PaulSmackage [he/him, comrade/them]
        7 months ago

        I feel like New Orleans is the only place i'd like to visit for an extended amount of time in the US at this point. Definitely has a character and history unique to the country.

      • quarrk [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I don’t think I would want to live in New Orleans but it is fun to visit. The beignets at Cafe du Monde are good, and the best thing I did was go on a dinner boat with live jazz on the top deck.

        The rest of Louisiana though, like Baton Rouge… incredibly racist. Also the homicide rate is very high.

    • @CrushKillDestroySwag
      7 months ago

      I wasn't in Texas very long but the car transport thing is 100% true. You would think that people who love cars so much would say least have good roads, but no - every single road I drove down was pockmarked to hell and back, had completely faded lines, etc. I'm now convinced that half the reason everybody drives a giant truck is because the roads are so bad that driving a reasonable car is too difficult.

    • xj9 [they/them, she/her]
      7 months ago

      south south Texas was an ok spot back when I lived there, but I reckon apartheid boy is wrecking the place with spacex.

    • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      Having lived in Texas my whole life until very recently, the only thing I miss is the food. Fuck the weather, fuck the people, fuck it all. If I could just teleport my old burrito place to where I am now, I'd be sittin' pretty.