
Via reddit...

I googled it for you, and I found an old guitar magazine article that says this:

'Its eerie intro consists of Denis’ guitar processed into cut-up staccato blips by a Yamaha SPX90 with its noise gate engaged. “I just went crazy scratching the chords very fast,” he explains. “I was trying to simulate what the keyboard did on Pink Floyd’s album.”'

    7 months ago

    Thanks for your topic, its making me a very fine an good resource to save as beginner

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      Whatever happens if you spend time on reddit - don't let it get you down. Always post your questions in more than one sub to avoid the likely insta-downvoters. Sometimes reddit can be great - like the redditor who gave me that great answer. But other times - it's crabs in a bucket over there. A site like this is usually far better because it's a community and people can't get away with being petty, stupid, obnoxious or some horrible combination of those things. I've had a lot of luck starting threads at a nearly dead b-movie forum because a surprising number of the few people still there play guitar. Community again.

      Also - when somebody says something is impossible or nearly impossible - sometimes (if not often) what they really mean is that's true for them.

        7 months ago

        Oh dont worry im really not in.

        Was an lurker if I got in with, it would have been with asearch sometimes but since the drama, I avoid it as much as possible for the boycott principle. But ez for me BC I wasn't really in.

        Lemmy is my first , I've never used mastodon or others because I hate the twitter mechanic.
        But I'm following Foss news and combined with the reddit drama I decided to got in Lemmy.

        With Lemmy I have enough drama and others to see now, so if I do an search, I stay on it. If I go wandering it wouldn't be on reddit but on video games or guitar now ^^.

        And with this topic you really do the mess job for me in a kind, if I can say, By being here, and with your post, I know I can be here and have the good stuff of the internet, by interests. From where after not my concerns and if an drama to follow, I will of on Lemmy ah ah.

        But ty for your kindness 🥰