• InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    You'd think people would be John Wicking a rural cop department

    I suspect if anybody did that the "arrest" of the shooter would be an execution. Not only that. They'd use about 5 swat teams like a fire department in a five alarm fire. They'd shoot him like 187 times in about a dozen seconds. And then a huge number of his family and relatives would die in "suicides" in the next few years. Sometimes they'd somehow shoot themselves in the back of the head. Repeatedly.

    In retrospect it's very surprising to me that in Rambo First Blood Stallone lays waste to not only the cops but to their station too but after it came out I don't remember lasting anger in the mainstream media about that. I'm sure some critics were incensed. But nobody paid much attention to them. Stallone understands his audience really well.