• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    7 months ago

    I cannot, simply cannot, believe that in such a broken society with so many guns and so much fetishism of revenge and violence that no one ever walks in to a cop shop with an AR and starts dumping ammo to avenge their dog. I just can't believe it. You'd think people would be John Wicking a rural cop department every week, but it never happens.

    • supafuzz [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      I also don't understand how insurance company offices remain generally unmolested

      • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
        7 months ago

        Landlords are really the ones that surprise me. Much more real then the other two faceless entities. People actually see their landlord (sometimes, tbf). The bastard who keeps increasing your biggest expense. Who doesn't fix the house you live in. Who invades your privacy and doesn't let you hang up pictures. And yet you hardly ever here about someone snapping on one.

      • LeZero [he/him]
        7 months ago

        One of the most infuriating thing about mass shooting in the US is that if they HAVE to happen, they should in a corporate boardroom, not a school

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        7 months ago

        Samesies. Some bean counter just murdered your loved one. And no one takes revenge?

    • @GinAndJuche
      7 months ago

      Same, I guess they only shoot dogs that belong to cowards or something /s joking

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      You'd think people would be John Wicking a rural cop department

      I suspect if anybody did that the "arrest" of the shooter would be an execution. Not only that. They'd use about 5 swat teams like a fire department in a five alarm fire. They'd shoot him like 187 times in about a dozen seconds. And then a huge number of his family and relatives would die in "suicides" in the next few years. Sometimes they'd somehow shoot themselves in the back of the head. Repeatedly.

      In retrospect it's very surprising to me that in Rambo First Blood Stallone lays waste to not only the cops but to their station too but after it came out I don't remember lasting anger in the mainstream media about that. I'm sure some critics were incensed. But nobody paid much attention to them. Stallone understands his audience really well.

  • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
    7 months ago

    biden-troll They need more money to stop Cornpop, Jack. Who cares if they shoot a few hot dogs on the way?

  • DayOfDoom [any, any]
    7 months ago

    Look at you all. Look at all you "animal lovers" who sit her and post while the American dogocaust is happening.

  • LeZero [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Does this account for feds or just police departments? Cause federal stormtroopers are also pretty famous for executing dogs

    • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      Depending on the situation you shouldn't even shoot a dog that's clamped on to your arm. As an example, say you're a 🐷 doing a no-knock raid in the middle of the night, a dog latching onto your arm should just be the cost of choosing that course of action.