First up is the third installment in the Ninja Cinematic Universe, Ninja III: Domination. A tale as old as time, of an evil ninja spirit who can't help but possess the bodies of the living to murder every LAPD they see. After that is Miami Connection, a group of orphans form a ninja themed butt rock band that starts playing at the local club, unknowingly making enemies with ninja drug dealers who are out for blood. The ratio of faces kicked in this one is extremely high.


Ninja III: The Domination:

Miami Connection: links:

Ninja III: The Domination:

Miami Connection:

CWs for Ninja III: The Domination

Attempted sexual assault

Sex pest cop

CWs for Miami Connection:

Dudes getting parts chopped off

Butt rock

Links to movies:

Ninja III: The Domination:

Miami Connection:
  • PurrLure [she/her]
    10 months ago

    Is this the movie ya'll were talking about on kissenger fucking died day?

    Hell yeah, I'll try to make it.

    • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      Yeah, it's genuinely hilarious and the first 10 minutes of the movie are wave after wave of LAPD getting owned like it's a GTA game.