i've seen this phrase used around here in a few variations and it rarely gets called out as problematic. i really don't think its ok so i thought i'd ask: does hexbear think its ok? i can understand and support the use of violence against fascists and colonizers, but genocide is really their thing. i don't see why it makes sense to use it even as a rhetorical device. why doesn't this get called out? is genocide so normalized in casual conversation that it doesn't register or what?

edit: i have all the [he/him]s on the website telling me that this is actually a very funny joke. i still don't like it or get it, but i've had my fill of arguing with y'all so thanks for the info. i can see why nobody calls this one out. it kinda fucking sucks. i'll just go ahead and block people who post this type of joke and go on my merry way.

now that everyone has had a chance to chime in, i'm just going to add some context for y'all

  1. most of the responses i got at first were from [he/him]s which is why i said the above. nothing against any gender, just what i saw. it wasn't my intention to misgender anyone sorry if it came across that way. i really meant it as an observation of who was jumping in to reply at the start of the thread, but i didn't realize how it could be perceived in other contexts.
  2. i'm not american. i'm technically a US citizen, but i have much more significant cultural ties to SV, MX, and separately and to a lesser extent NA indigenous community. i don't always get where western people are coming from. i like the overall tone of hexbear maybe i just don't how imaginary genocide is supposed to be cathartic. i apologize if it came across like i'm trying to tone police y'all. that's really not my jam, but y'all do seem a little pre-disposed to getting offended when your little jokes are questioned.
  3. i still don't like the joke, so i'm going to remove them from my feed. if y'all don't have an issue with it that's fine. i was just trying to get a feel for what y'all think. the push back was a little upsetting after the day i had yesterday, but i'm over it now. i can live with curating my own experience based on my personal taste.
  4. i haven't been that articulate, but i think my feelings are best summarized by this reply:

As someone that does find the joke funny, upon some reflection i have realised that it is an inapropiate joke, genocide is a horrific thing and to make light of it by making it a subject of a joke is in bad taste the same way that jokes about sexual assault are in bad taste, we rightfuly look down on redditors for the latter but allow the former

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I've never liked it, even as a meme. Remember, the First World is also a panopticon prison for the poor and minorities.

    • davel [he/him]
      7 months ago

      ¡Not all Global Norteños!

      To me it’s about the Global North States, not the people, and especially not the proletariat. Maybe the capitalists get a little genocide, as a treat.

      • xj9 [they/them, she/her]
        7 months ago

        killing the capitalists (the ruling class) doesn't meet the criteria for genocide, that would be a coup. which is totally fine and doesn't require regurgitating fascist concepts. these toys are still available to do to quench your bloodlust gui-better gulag

        • panopticon [comrade/them]
          7 months ago

          Unlimited regicide on the first world

          Unlimited regime change on the first world

          Unlimited coups d'etat on the first world

          I kind of agree with you actually, trying to choose different words opens the door for more creative ways to describe beheading the leviathan.

          • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
            7 months ago

            Oh shit I really like the regicide one. This post feels like concern trolling and the OP clearly wants to pretend this is a male thing, but it opens the door for a discussion that's maybe worth having

    • xj9 [they/them, she/her]
      7 months ago

      big agree from me. i have a hard time understanding how this type of humor is acceptable on a leftist board. it gives big alt-right/channer vibes imo

      • Mindfury [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I have a hard time understanding how this type of defense of the laughable concept of """""white genocide""""" is acceptable on a leftist board. it gives big alt-right/channer vibes imo


        • xj9 [they/them, she/her]
          7 months ago

          you really need this huh? you're shitting yourself because you can't have this treat. indulge in a little genocide fantasy, its fine. its an impossible concept anyway, nobody could ever question it.

          joking about genocide in general makes me uncomfortable and i wanted to know if hexbear was ok with it. clearly y'all are really into it. cool. thanks for making that crystal fucking clear.

          • Mindfury [he/him]
            7 months ago

            you're shitting yourself

            clearly y'all are really into it. cool. thanks for making that crystal fucking clear.

            • CyborgMarx [any, any]
              7 months ago

              Hexbears showing a low tolerance for liberal bad faith puritanical scolding is us "showing our ass" really? Give me a fuckin break

              • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
                7 months ago

                I actually love the Slammer edits most of the time pflp-octoplushie I just think that "unlimited genocide" is taking it too far. I'm not the only one on the site that feels this way.

                • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                  7 months ago

                  Taking it too far in what possible regard? Are we being too mean to white identitarians? Are we too vicious to First Worlders who fear genocide by the global south and their leftie friends? Are we not taking their intersections of oppression seriously or something?

                  The joke is harmless precisely because it's a ludicrous subversion of the real world phenomenon, which is first world genocide of the global south

                  It's a defiant statement fueled by powerlessness which gives it an over the top comedic quality, that quality may or may not resonate depending on the context and who's using the joke and why, but the idea it's offensive or taking anything too far is sunday school mindset

              • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
                7 months ago

                First comment ever and already lumping in radfem nonsense about men? Come join my study group where we actually read feminist theory about why empathy is important and how the patriarchy hurts us all. Or, if you think I'm cis scum merely for existing please consult the proper posting bureau.

              • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
                7 months ago

                Oh yeah, one more thing. On account of the multiple trans men I know both online and off, I want to tell you to go fuck yourself. "Kill all men" is a garbage statement and you should be ashamed of saying it. If you think that "trans men don't count" then you're being transphobic and can go fuck yourself again. Trans men are our allies and if you can't see that at the very least then you don't deserve to be here.