• GarbageShoot [he/him]
    6 months ago

    I can't explain it completely, but I can say she gives way more convoluted and involved biographical information in her songs than most musicians and encourages her followers to be parasocial, and seemingly this interest in The Lore has lead her more obsessive fans to spread interpretations of her songs that are absolutely ridiculous.

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        Also there are plenty of actually gay musicians please show them some support instead of making fanfiction up about the billionaire that flies her private jet more than anyone else in the world.

        • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
          6 months ago

          Its people who want the clout from supporting a gay artist but they dont want to do the difficult and scary thing of listening to something new for the first time, so you just headcanon the pop star who has been mega famous since you were a kid into the gay icon you imagine you would listen to. Also: Harry Styles.