• mathemachristian [he/him]
    10 months ago

    But how do we get to praying to a large stone pillar? Im genuinely curious, this is such an upset of not just christinaity but protestantism in particular it boggles my mind.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      Because the average American white protestant has it in their head that America and white people are a chosen super race that have full authority by God to use the planet as they see fit. They believe this because they will inevitably fail to connect Christian ideas of mercy, charity, and forgiveness to their own lives because their lives are built around a comfortable bubble. The only outlet for their spiritual needs is to believe God has blessed them to do as they please. From their perspective, they feel no guilt over their status, because American middle class society is by design set up for its members to never even see poverty or misery. They live in gated suburbs and drive everywhere. From their perspective, putting in minimal amount of work automatically secures a comfortable middle class existence, so they believe anyone can do it, so poverty must necessarily be self-inflicted or a punishment from the Lord.

      Already I hope you can see why these people have any notion of spiritual empathy erased from their souls. They haven't lived in conditions that build normal spirituality. They've only ever lived comfortable privilege on the backs of invisible impoverished people. It wouldn't matter how much they read the Bible directly. They'll freely dismiss the passages they don't feel apply and will instead focus on what relates to them.

      For instance, ask a protestant what Matthew 19:24 means. It clearly says, by Christ himself, that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven. Christ offers a solution for rich people to give up all they own to have treasure in heaven. American white protestants interpret this passage as meaning only "greedy" rich people go to hell, but nice rich people go to heaven. Whatever that means.

      Also I'd like to apologize if anyone here mocks your faith. They're being unfair, granted a lot of people have had bad experiences with Christianity in the USA. I'm not religious myself, but sympathize with the need. I'm probably a few bad days away from adopting some kind of neo-shamanism because of so many dead people and pets in my life. I loved my last cat more than any living thing on Earth, and that triggers something in me. I want his spirit to still be around.

      • mathemachristian [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Thanks for taking the time, that made sense to me. They see their state as an achievement built by the good and faithful through which god distributes "his" blessings. The luxuries they enjoy because of their nation serve as proof that god not just approves of it, but wants it furthered. This monument to them marks how god is bestowing his blessings and how they can be part of gods plan.

        Pretty normal for empires actually.

      • mathemachristian [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Oh don't worry I know where those comments come from. The reputation Christianity got is the reason I don't like when I have to acknowledge my religion to people I don't know well, ("what did you do last Sunday?" type of questions) because it might make them wary of me, and I can't blame them really. I sometimes have to do this performative dance to show I'm one of the "good ones that doesn't hate gay people honest!" Because 99% of the time Christians are at least above average in homophobia, which will put others on their guard when I say that I am christian.

      • mathemachristian [he/him]
        10 months ago

        The open adoration for their empire is such a foreign concept to me. I mean we have something similar in Germany but its more abstract, more predicated on looking down on others and congratulating ourselves for our shoddy holocaust remembrance and semi functional welfare systems.

        But USians have a whole mythology with hero-epics and grand statues to honor them its like something out of ancient Greece.

        • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
          10 months ago

          Yep, and those heros and the apparatus that holds them up as heros has a way of manipulating the narrative to cover for how shitty they were. The Founding FathersTM and every president we've ever had were and are just as much of blood thirsty psychopaths as Hitler. The difference being that the genocides of expansion were more complete, the narratives more controlled using soft language and double speak, and the current campaigns externalized and reframed through economic trickery and exploitation of the underdeveloped world.

          Hitler and the Holocaust didn't have the retail repackaging for the pubic like American Empire does. Not enough treats, too vulgar and direct.

          That's my take anyway. Idk, it's late and I'm tired.

          • voight [he/him, any]
            10 months ago

            The Founding FathersTM and every president we've ever had were and are just as much of blood thirsty psychopaths as Hitler.


        • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
          10 months ago

          But USians have a whole mythology with hero-epics and grand statues to honor them its like something out of ancient Greece.

          yeah there's a bunch of founder wank for the ancient greeks. it's also why a bunch of our civic buildings have greek (maybe athenian specifically? it's been a minute) architectural features

          • Saeculum [he/him, comrade/them]
            10 months ago

            Everyone at the time was hugely into the neo-classical style, it's just that Europe grew out of it faster than the US did. (Sadly)

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Remember that under the Capitol dome there is a mural called The Apotheosis of Washington, which depicts Washington ascending to heaven like he's Christ. This is par for the course.

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        10 months ago

        apotheosis is such an illuminating piece of art its unreal. and people say art historians are superfluous.

        but the relationship of yankee civil religion to protestantism (and the specific sects) vs. catholicism is pretty fraught. especially considering how many of the "founding fathers" were not partisan to specific sects

        • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
          10 months ago

          Here's something I learned from a very pivoting podcast episode.

          Part of "not having a state religion" meant not having an ecclesiastical authority that could curtail the ravages of settler colonialism. In small settler communities, the church was not accountable to anyone and the members of the church were deputized as law enforcement.

          The diversity of Protestant sects and movements meant that they could not be reined in, and on the frontier, the independent churches had no power higher than themselves.


          • voight [he/him, any]
            10 months ago

            The ppl who do this pod are super friendly on twitter btw shame it's done for now

    • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      History is a flat circle. Like the other reply, the American Civic religion is a new version of the Roman Imperial Cult that was prominent during biblical times. Many of the letters of the apostles contained responses to the social structure of the cult to counter is influence.