I don't even want to sift through it to find the worst highlights. It's just a mix of treating this as a completely normal question and incels gibbering every possible horrible take they could have.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    9 months ago

    but most incels think they are Kelce

    I hate incels, but this is just false. The vast majority of white incels clearly either are accutely aware of being unattractive or are actually dysmorphic or have a similar disorder that warps their self-perception negatively. With non-Latino Incels of Color*, it can get a lot harder to parse their self-image because they are likely to (as a matter of incel "culture") attribute their failings in large part to a racial bias against them. In the same way that a short white incel might identify chiefly as someone fucked over by their height, an Indian or East Asian incel is likely to identify chiefly as someone fucked over by their being Indian or East Asian.

    *I have never seen this phrase used, but I would be rightly banned for using the nomenclature that incels usually use for this sort of thing