have to justify the attack on Lebanon somehow

also why don't we have a burning Israeli flag emoji?

  • Zodiark
    2 months ago

    deleted by creator

      • theposterformerlyknownasgood
        8 months ago

        While I agree with the sentiment that the special status of Israel in anti imperialist and anti racist discourse is absurd and was always absurd, there is a key contextual difference between edgy internet nerds defacing a symbol and the people the symbol is claimed to represent rejecting it.

        • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
          8 months ago

          Ansar Allah is from Yemen, Israel doesn't claim to represent them. They rightfully destroy every zionist rag they see.

          Funny how the only one of these that worked even a little on you is the one of jews burning it when it shouldn't matter. Every human on Earth should have the honor of destroying a Zionist rag

          • theposterformerlyknownasgood
            8 months ago

            Im a different person and I'm responding solely to that image. Because I agree that Middle Eastern anti imperialists burning the Israeli flag is not antisemitic.

            • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
              8 months ago

              Any anti-imperialist anywhere burning the flag isn't anti-semitic.

              It's not anti-semitic in Japan

              It's not anti-semitic in Venezuela

              It's not anti-semitic in Iran

              It's not anti-semitic in Africa

              It's not anti-semitic on Hexbear

              It's. Not. Anti-semitic. Period.

              Are these gentlemen in Caracas anti-semitic because they aren't jews or middle-easterners?


              • theposterformerlyknownasgood
                8 months ago

                If you were protesting for Palestinian rights or against imperialism and burned an Israeli flag, that would not be an act of antisemitism, no. The issue faced here is that a lot of antisemites use imagery like a burning star of David, and as a result jewish members of this community have said they're uncomfortable with making a burning Israeli flag emote, and I think forcing the emote maker to do so would not only be difficult but also just a weird act.

                • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                  8 months ago

                  you keep saying the same stupid zionist concern troll arguments over and over. i dont accept them as valid. I think your argument is spurious lib nonsense completely and wholly without merit, equally as useless and meaningless as "from the river to the sea makes me uncomfortable". If a user is being anti-semitic, they can be banned. Being anti-Israel is not anti-semitism, and even accepting that argument part way and hedging with it is the problem and shows the mods (and their defenders) disconnect from the arab world and the wretched of the earth. Any arab user on this site is going to be perplexed by this weird hangup you have and your weird caving to the zionist argument on this one topic. Why? Why cave? Why imply Hezbollah and Houthis are anti-semites?

                    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                      8 months ago

                      well i'm also an arab and if I saw anyone whinging about an israeli flag burning i would punch them in the face (I mean IRL, at a protest, if we are burning a zionist flag and someone came up and tried to get us to stop, that would not be tolerated)

                      • theposterformerlyknownasgood
                        8 months ago

                        No you wouldn't. I don't believe you are violently unhinged. I think we should let this matter drop.

                        • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                          8 months ago

                          If I was at a protest and me and the boys and burning American and Israeli flags, and somebody comes on and tries to stop us talking about how it "looks" yes they would violently be pushed away from it. In fact, something very similar happened last month at a local protest when the libs tried to put out the fires at such a thing. It's weird that the "official hexbear line" matches that of Egyptian comprador libs and not the enraged anti-imperialists. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with how much of a lickspittle people in here are being and how white and opticsbrained they are

                  • theposterformerlyknownasgood
                    8 months ago

                    I think you have wholly failed to read an argument in my post and have just projected what you would like to respond to unto it.

                    I have already said that I think the special status of Israel in anti imperialist discourse is absurd. What I told you now is that the person who makes the emotes doesn't want to, because of the history of the use of burning stars of David as antisemitic imagery, and forcing them would both be difficult and weird, to which you respond by saying that's the standard lib line. Most lib arguments aren't about the feelings of emote makers, that's not a normal conversation.

                    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                      8 months ago

                      I have already said that I think the special status of Israel in anti imperialist discourse is absurd

                      You say this, then in the very next post defend the decision to not have the emoji for some "special" reason, giving it a special status

                      • theposterformerlyknownasgood
                        8 months ago

                        I suppose that accepting that the emote maker has no desire to do so is a special type of argument, but it's not the type of special you want it to be.