• D61 [any]
    9 months ago

    Okay.... so...

    Looks like they found a large stockpile (or were burning off their own stockpile of) anti tank landmines.

    They're pressure detonated (usually) so they took some blocks of C-4 and squished them up (which... reduces the chance of it detonating... don't do this) to fill the mine's fuse well after putting a overhand or maybe a cherry knot of Detonating cord in the mangled C-4 as a fuse to detonate the mine. The mines were hung up on the columns (maybe) load bearing sections of the buildings (facing the wrong way... also didn't look like they were trying for kicker charges... which... weird but I guess using them as shape charges yields only a marginal increase in effect for this purpose) and the individual mines were tied into line/ring mains. Then they were detonated from outside the building, which... looks like a school or classroom or something.

    Maybe this would bring down the ceiling if the supports actually were knocked clear but definitely would make the roof weak enough to be very unsafe to use the building for anything.