• material_delinquent
    9 months ago

    I am very groggy, but the way a "democracy index" gets its scores is flawed - theoretically because they work with bourg definition of parliamentary democracy, methodologicaly because sometimes its shit like (S)Expats giving their vibes-based score of the press in a country where they mostly mingle with the upper class (it looks like ""average joe"" middle class to them) or other pretty invalid, subjective or unreliable methods. It's sometimes funny that the US is even failing the more scientific ones that have bourg democracy standards.

    Politically, a lot of these indices are tied to letter agencies or corporations, which makes it very easy to clown on them (besides shit like Libya being more democratic than Venezuela)

    Obviously it's a somewhat silly idea to measure "democracy" to begin with since "democracy" is a very contested notion.