Every site is trying to pull a Bonzai Buddy now.

"We need all your info for advertising, not you can't opt out unless you make an account and give us your email. Oops, looks like I hid the opt-out under a subheader. Amazon is now profiling you."



"Hi I'm going to block this entire site until you give me your info, this is very cool and normal."

Capitalism ruined the internet. The whole thing is malware now.

  • supafuzz [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    Thank God I can come home to all my dear bots and feds here at chapo dot chat

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        6 months ago

        Today I was informed that it's tankies, not neoliberals, who want to abandon the ROC, and the neolibs definitely won't pull out of Taiwan the instant the US has chip parity. Gosh durned tankies.

        • hotcouchguy [he/him]
          6 months ago

          But there's an interesting question: will the US ever actually achieve chip parity, or will the industry just build some potempkin factory that's always 5 years away from completion so they can keep milking the subsidies indefinitely?

          • collapse_already@lemmy.ml
            6 months ago

            "The factory totally would have worked, but we built it in Arizona and then Lake Mead dried up and semiconductor manufacturing needs lots of water. " Who could have predicted that? (Ignore those environmentalist nut jobs screaming about climate change and your eyes that could see the bathtub ring around the lake where the water level used to be long before the semiconductor plant was started.)

      • supafuzz [comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        from each according to his ability wink wink am I getting the lingo right

    • SkeletorJesus [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I feel safe on this website. I know there's no point to all of you being feds because they already have microphones in my walls.

      • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
        6 months ago

        This is related to a bigger problem, which is that you can't really even trust newer communities to even have real people anymore.

        Hexbear/Chapo.chat was kinda okay because it came about around 2020? I think? Which was still before AI became massive

        but 4 years of AI evolution is huge, and I think that in another 3 years' time it'll be impossible to know if literally anything on the internet is even real, with the exception of stuff that's dated to the "before-fore times"

        The fake pictures and fake text are already extremely realistic, and videos should reach the same point in a few years time

        • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
          6 months ago

          It's already begun so much.

          I shit you not I've been using chatGPT to handle EVERYTHING "professional". I figured that since porky is such a perfectionist, I'll just use chatGPT to fake a whole bunch of shit: cover letters, resumes, interview prep, work emails where I fake being a complete yes-man just so I can get hired and keep my job. ChatGPT will do all the buttering up for me, and I hope to learn how to play along to find out ways on how to trick anyone into giving me a raise or even hire me.