Libs totally aren't fascists btw

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    6 months ago

    love when colonizers catch a whiff of solidarity between colonized peoples and start whining about how they're all meant to be separate nations with their own mutually unintelligible culture that can be easily fragmented and subsumed by the empire.

    Yeah wtf? Why take the creation story for one culture and apply it across a diverse array of cultures and peoples? Lmao

    Cope and seethe

    also i know this is just a trope of reactionary writing, but postcolonial theory is decades old, why are they all acting like it's something that only sprung up recently?

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      6 months ago

      Someone using "settler colonialism", "turtle island", etc etc is akin to hearing a Republican bring up Hunter Biden in that I know I can simpy discount everything they say about everything.

      It's also more aggravating than the Republican version -- the MAGA vibe of "I'm just a simple man who believes what I see" is way more tolerable than "My niche hyper-privileged worldview represents the pinnacle of human intellect".

      Hm. I wonder why one of those is more tolerable to you than the other. What a mystery. Also complaining about intellectual smugness is rich coming from the official technocracy fandom subreddit.

      • emizeko [they/them]
        6 months ago


        [cough] excuse me? colonized peoples are hyper-privileged now I guess

        • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
          6 months ago

          really reminds me of 'techno feudalism' and other re-coinings of terms... where they could use the original and it would make more sense (though probably point out contradictions in the points they made?)

    • drhead [he/him]
      6 months ago

      but postcolonial theory is decades old, why are they all acting like it's something that only sprung up recently?

      because now people are applying it in ways that pose a very immediate and significant threat to western interests in the middle east, and discourse about how palestinians are somehow the colonizers didn't stick, so the best move for maintaining western hegemony is to denounce it. up until now, ignoring it or paying small inconsequential lip service towards it was the better move (because jumping the gun on that would end up being received a lot like republican fearmongering about CRT), but that only remains the case as long as the material impact of it can be contained.

    • D61 [any]
      6 months ago

      Strategy of Tension : "Did somebody call?"