It's always projection

  • Awoo [she/her]
    9 months ago

    Pretty fucking sure Poland wouldn't exist if the Soviet Union hadn't fucking liberated them. What do they think Germany was gonna do? The Poles, Polish culture and so on would all have been Germanised.

    The actions the USSR took preserved the very existence of a Poland that would otherwise have been totally deleted from existence by the nazis in their pursuit of Lebensraum.

    • CrushKillDestroySwag
      9 months ago

      Let's not forget that if the Nazis had their way then half of the Poles that currently exist would have had their grandparents murdered, and the other half would literally be serfs with German landlords.

      • Łumało [he/him]
        9 months ago

        One thing no one can deny when I'm defending the union against nonsense slander. Especially when they try and mention Ribbentrop-Molotov the idiots.

        "Oh and what's the alternative Jimbo? Oh right. A Poland fully under German control."

        But they might bounce back with even stupider "The Soviets were worse!".