"...who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly referred to as furries at school shall not be allowed to participate in school curriculum or activities"
I've a feeling it's not only furries being attacked...
Hmmm, now the more that'd I think about it, I think the Oklahoma boys are playing game of Among us, and instead of ejection, they're using execution against any suspected 'imposters' ! How quaint of them...
I've a feeling it's not only furries being attacked...
The funny thing is this word literally means "having the form of a human" and abstractly it could cover a lot more than just furries.
crackers stumped by their own language example #998734563727857869505836254131525167354749
Hmmm, now the more that'd I think about it, I think the Oklahoma boys are playing game of Among us, and instead of ejection, they're using execution against any suspected 'imposters' ! How quaint of them...
Mfw the brave little toaster and the little engine that could get caught up in book bans
My thought too. It's a gender affirmation bully bill hidden in a fur suit bill.
And another hit towards kids of neurodivergence.
Shit wasn't even considering this and I'm currently doing a ND dive as my next obsession...