• TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    If you think Palestinian rights was mainstream or in the public consciousness, particularly in Israel, you were severely misinformed about the situation. If anything, Palestinian rights had never been more ignored on the world stage. Israel had them in a slow chokehold, literally counting their calories, and there were absolutely no signs that that was ever going to stop. This is not even to mention the literally thousands of illegally detained and imprisoned Palestinians that Israel had.

    The same goes for the corruption of the Israeli government. Their right-wing coalition had literally not been politically stronger, they were literally at the point of normalizing their relationship with Saudi Arabia, which regardless of whatever leadership crisis occured would have cemented right wing rule for the next decade at least.

    Hamas had the choice between submitting to a slow death or doing what they had been elected all those years ago to do, fight for the rights of Palestinians and try to free the illegally detained Palestinians. Now everything is up in the air. Will they win? Idk. But they certainly aren't going to submit to a quiet forgotten death.