• Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    Not a big surprise. Anyone who's spent time in more reactionary parts of America can see the writing on the wall. New York almost went red in the gubernational election to a Trump guy and NYC was barely able to give Hochul the win over Zeldin. She could very well lose next term with how piss poor she's been.

    The MAGA craze of 2016 isn't there but you can tell that people loathe Biden and everything they associate with him. January 16th or whenever it was has also been glossed over in their eyes after they learned about the FBI infiltrating the organizations that went there. Covid isn't going to save Biden and his wars in the Middle East won't sway people that think Trump will be the one to end it. Even if Biden does end it, they'll change the goal post to Trump won't get into any wars at all.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      5 months ago

      It's wild being in New York. We have the most useless dems in the country I'm pretty sure. Should be the bluest state in the country and they're almost losing to republicans with the built in advantage of NYC.

      Not to act like weed is a top priority but the fact they "legalised" weed like 5 or 6 years ago and there still isn't anywhere to buy it because of complete beuracratic deadlock is basically a perfect example of the state.

      Well technically do the right thing but we're going to drag our feet the entire time and do the shittiest Jon possible seemingly just for the sake of being shitty.

      • PKMKII [none/use name]
        5 months ago

        The NY Dems are the perfect example of the Iron Law of Institutions, everyone at the top is more concerned with keeping their perch than winning elections.

      • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
        5 months ago

        It's because Upstate New York is basically West Virginia, save for a few liberal bastions like Buffalo, Rochester, and Albany. There's a lot of them electing right-wingers and they keep the state in a permanent deadlock.

        Also this recent gubernational election had the closest race since 2014 when Cuomo almost lost to Astorino.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      I remember hearing that NY got their districts redrawn and that's a big part of why Republicans are doing better there now