• Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    I disagree. Trump cut corporate taxes to 21% from 35%. Dems couldn’t do that. Also there are plenty of environmental regulations to eviscerate, psycho right wing chudges to appoint, etc. Biden holds the line but trump moves it right.

    • @Kaplya
      5 months ago

      Trump’s tax cut is a joke compared to Biden’s Fed rate hike that has pumped out $1 TRILLION dollars to the rich people in 2023 alone.

      Biden’s proposed billionaire tax is supposed to rake in $440 billion over 10 years, and the corporate tax $222 billion over 10 years, that’s $66 billion per year, while $1 trillion is given back to the rich. How is it even comparable between the two?

      Biden made S&P500 gone up 50% higher than Trump’s highest point in just 2 years. If you owned stocks and bonds like most rich people do, you’ve just been made much much more wealthier than during Trump’s era.

      We’re not even talking about all the wars that have massively benefited the military industrial complex, the oil and gas industries, and the financial sector.

      What’s more, Biden made white people richer and black people poorer:



      Source: Federal Reserve, 2023

      This matters a lot to the white racist conservatives. Trump knows how to talk big but he cannot deliver. Biden proves that he can get things done.

        • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
          5 months ago

          It's assuming white racist conservatives actually care about the stats. Democrats have routinely proven they're more effective than the Republicans with their neoliberal agenda since the New Democrats took over. You could even argue since Jimmy Carter. Still hasn't stopped Republicans that were considered extreme for the time from winning.

          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
            5 months ago

            I agree completely. People who aren't inside the US experiencing our politics first hand (and talking to people who live here too) just can't comprehend how disconnected our politics is from reality. You gotta be here at least a little bit to wallow in the mud that is American political discourse to really get how stupid and culture-war-based it all is, for both the Dems and GOP.

    • invo_rt [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Yeah I was pretty sure that the whole 100 day agenda or whatever it's called that the ghouls behind Trump are preparing is to demolish the regulatory state.