maybe-later-honey maybe-later-kiddo

The White House, in a reflection of their public confidence (hubris?) regarding the politics of Biden’s positioning on Israel, arranged a call with Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.).

Fetterman, who has delighted in trolling left-wing critics by resolutely standing with Israel since Oct. 7, told me young voters should consider the implications of enabling a candidate who would likely given Netanyahu even more of a free hand.

“If you sit this out, or throw your vote away, you now are effectively empowering Bibi, and you’re definitely going to be empowering Trump,” cheeto-man he said.


We can set this up very directly: it’s us versus them — and us is just voting for us, and them means voting for a third-party or Trump,” as one Biden official put it to me. brump

In the short term, that means seizing on any chance to complicate the ballot access of the third-party candidates freedom-and-democracy and attempting to discredit their motives or at least highlight the less savory aspects of their character.


Later this year, Biden officials hope to dispatch trusted progressive surrogates to warn against a third-party flirtation — hope you like the Midwest in fall, Senator Sanders! flattened-bernie — and plan to bombard the internet with the same message on digital ads even sooner.

One idea: Enlist a series of sicko-zoomer younger voters who admit to being tempted by a third-party hopeful but explain they’re backing Biden because any other choice ensures Trump’s election. maybe-later-honey

Anti-anti-fa - kelly

  • Adkml [he/him]
    8 months ago

    "enabling a candidate who would likely given Netanyahu even more of a free hand."

    "we're not going to do a damn thing other than protect Israel in the process. Not a single thing." - Biden when asked if there would be any conditions on aid to Isreal

    Once again, until a liberal can explain to me what is "even more of a free hand" then explicitly saying your support isnuncondit8onal and nothing they would do could stop it they cans top lying to our fucking faces with this line

    Also getting pretty sick of articles of liberals complaining about struggling with voters that they are intentionally and even antagonistically doing the opposite ofnwhat the voters are clearly saying they want.

    Like the article says that feyterman had really been enjoying telling people that are opposed to genocide and then goes on to say how the people he's intentionally trolling aren't being mature and voting for him anyway.

    • Amerikan
      8 months ago

      I hope Fetterman enjoys the primary that is undoubtedly looming in his rear-view mirror. It sounds like the DNC wants him to be their new Manchin at this point; and I'm hoping he's gone before the DNC can inadvertently validate my "revolving villain" theory.