Didn't see anyone reserving space so first off is Space Antifa parts 1 and 2. The destruction of a Cardassian ship leads Sisko, Dukat, and Sisko's old friend Cal Hudson to the fact that there is an unofficial war between the Maquis and the Cardassians. Does Sisko lib out? We'll see.

Next up is Improbable Cause / The Die is Cast. Now rejoined with his former mentor, Garak is ordered to interrogate Odo about the secrets of his people, while the joined Romulan/Cardassian attack fleet moves towards the Founders' home world on a mission of destruction.

If people are up for it we'll watch the first season 4 episode, The Way of the Warrior.

  • lilypad [she/her]
    5 个月前

    Oh nono no need to apologize! Spontenaity is important to have! stalin-heart