/-------------------------------\| The party grinds for a while, || gaining 6 levels and earning ||7,800 gold pieces. The mages || learn valuable new spells. ||||>Skip<|| Cancel |
I once spent two hours of my one and only life killing bats (and nothing but bats) in a tunnel in FF XII. It’s a strangely fond memory, and I have absolutely no recollection of why the bats were important
/-------------------------------\ | The party grinds for a while, | | gaining 6 levels and earning | | 7,800 gold pieces. The mages | | learn valuable new spells. | | | | > Skip < | | Cancel | \-------------------------------/
Is that real? What game respects time like that if so?
Now THIS would be a good feature.
Just read a book at this point
Hire Uematsu for the soundtrack and maybe
It is very dark, you are likely to be eaten by a grue
I was referencing a text based video game called Zork
i hate this. give me the grind.
I once spent two hours of my one and only life killing bats (and nothing but bats) in a tunnel in FF XII. It’s a strangely fond memory, and I have absolutely no recollection of why the bats were important
two hours? those are rookie numbers, gotta pump those numbers up
If I could make art and code I would make a game like this. Games take too much time these days