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  • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
    5 months ago

    i'm not sure anybody doing that will ever be effective. probably the most effective actors in that space are the capitalists undermining the war machine's efficacy to make a buck, followed by the houthis and whoever droned that US base in jordan/syria.

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      5 months ago

      Well there's definitely more and less effective things one could do given their current availability of resources. Obviously I'm talking about an org within the US and what they can do with the constraints of their resources

      It definitely feels like to me getting a single person inside of a government office to stand up and randomly scream at a politician and then posting it on instagram is pretty poor agitation. This is by far the most common form of agitation I see from Code Pink

      Vs PSL getting hundreds of thousands across the country to care enough to protest about wars (I know this specifically does nothing but they're getting more people involved in organizing). Or socialist parties + DSA getting ceasefire resolutions passed in cities which led to a bay area city cancelling a 1+ million dollar contract with Israel (forgot which city)

      Or when a few thousand Google employees got a drone AI computer vision Pentagon contract cancelled

      I doubt any of the above victories would have come close to happening if they employed the strategy of "getting 1 person to walk up to Sundar's office/Whitehouse/Oakland City Hall and yell at the most powerful person there"

      Like the optics of this is horrible even if they're completely correct. It's literally just a single random person causing disruption and making a loud commotion in a "civilised" and "professional" time and place. Any person would think they're just annoying or lost their minds. At least get a couple hundred to show up to pretend like it's a somewhat popular opinion lots of people care about