• nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    5 months ago

    important to note: the 5 year old kid was definitely shot by the cops:

    A young child who police said was approximately 4 to 5 years old accompanied her. The woman began shooting upon entering the church. Two off-duty officers shot the female shooter, who died on scene, according to authorities. The child was also shot and is in critical condition at Texas Children’s Hospital, but officers were unclear about how the child was injured.


    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Gonna see if I can find the article that had a quote from the cops (I think) which made it sound like it was they probably hit the kid. It was something along the lines of "we exchanged fire with the lady and unfortunately a 5 year old was hit."

      Edit:It was linked in last week's news mega, but I can't find the quote in it. Not sure if the article was updated as I see no mentions of an update. Still you have this:

      When asked if the responding officers shot the child, the police chief told reporters he didn't know. He added, "If it was, unfortunately, and that female, that suspect, put that baby in danger, I'm gonna put that blame on her."

      Totally not an incriminating way of putting itwtf

      Oh here it is. From the article posted on this post. Using the typical passive voice associated with police shootings:

      Two off-duty law enforcement officers – a Houston police officer and an agent with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission – engaged and struck the woman, who died on the scene, Finner said. The woman was roughly 30-35 years old, the chief said.

      “Unfortunately a 5-year-old kid was hit and is in critical condition at our local hospital,” he added. The incident unfolded just before 2 p.m., the chief said. It was unclear who fired the shot that struck the child, the chief said, or what the child’s relationship to the shooter was.

      If they knew for sure that it was the woman they would have said so from the jump.

        • neo [he/him]
          5 months ago

          It has to be said: if she brought a small child with her when she decided to go guns blazing then she put the child directly in harm's way.

          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
            5 months ago

            If the cops didn't know for dead-ass certain that the woman would be charged for anybody they accidentally shot, they might take a little more care with their panic shooting than they currently do.

      • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
        5 months ago

        Oh absolutely, it must be blatantly clear they shot the kid if they slip into passive "the child encountered a bullet while mid flight after an officer-involved unholstered firearm event" style of speech

      • Rom [he/him]
        5 months ago

        They've cranked the weaselly passive voice up to 11 for this one. Look at this shit:

        The child is critically injured after being shot in the head and has not been identified. An off-duty Houston police officer and Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission officer were at the church and confronted Moreno. It is unclear if the child was shot in the process or by the suspect.
