kim-cool dprk-stare

    5 months ago

    not joking, i know someone who visited the dprk and one of the places where they make those posters. then the visitor politely asked and was allowed to take some of them home. the friggin hand painted originals!

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      5 months ago

      my biggest (maybe) delusion is I could go to North Korea and be fine on account of I treat people like humans

      • booty [he/him]
        5 months ago

        You'd be totally fine. Plenty of people do it and have done it with no issues. Boy Boy made a great video out of their trip to the DPRK. There's nothing dangerous about going there at all

    • Greenleaf [he/him]
      5 months ago

      This is what westerners can’t comprehend. When they were allowed to travel to the DPRK they would gawk and stare and ask questions like “do they shoot you if you don’t pray to Kim Il Sung ten times a day?”. North Koreans aren’t brainwashed bumpkins. They are arguably more emotionally healthy and inarguably more well versed in the world around them than Americans. You get treated like that by some random gringo from Omaha, yeah you’re probably gonna be a little rude to them. That’s better than what those American tourists deserve.