Oh shit they've got him.

  • @Kaplya
    4 months ago

    Update: Yuliya Navalnaya made a surprise appearance at the Munich Security Conference to appeal to everyone to punish the Russian regime. (NY Times)

    Just hours after her husband was reported dead, Yulia Navalnaya made a dramatic, surprise appearance at a gathering of world leaders in Munich on Friday. Taking the stage, she denounced President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and vowed that he and his circle “will be brought to justice.”

    The diplomats and political leaders at the Munich Security Conference were already reeling from reports that her husband, Aleksei A. Navalny, the Russian dissident, had died in prison under suspicious circumstances when Ms. Navalny stunned the hall by striding in. Conference organizers quickly wrapped up a session with Vice President Kamala Harris and turned the microphone over to Ms. Navalnaya.

    “We cannot believe Putin and his government,” Ms. Navalnaya told the audience. “They are lying constantly. But if it’s true, I would like Putin and all his staff, everybody around him, his government, his friends, I want them to know that they will be punished for what they have done with our country, with my family and with my husband. They will be brought to justice, and this day will come soon.”

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Yuliya Navalnaya made a surprise appearance at the Munich Security Conference to appeal to everyone to punish the Russian regime.

      What are they gonna do, double sanction Russia so that they have to pas their gas through two middlemen and ultimately eat the double markup themselves?

      • @Kaplya
        4 months ago

        More funding for Ukraine. Some people are getting very rich off this, and clearly think the money well in Ukraine hasn’t dried up yet.

        • SoyViking [he/him]
          4 months ago

          The yanks aren't going to fund the slaughter in Ukraine this side of the election. The euros are in deeper and deeper shit every day and probably can't give anything near what the yanks used to spend.

    • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      between this and the BS story about Russian space nuke national security threats, the US deep state is putting the full court press on politicians to keep funding the ukraine war.

      this is all war mongering propaganda.

    • Kieselguhr [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      Munich Security Conference were already reeling

      Do you know if UKR+USA blowing up Nord Stream was on the agenda of this important German security conference? What did they say about that? Will they bring them to justice?

      • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
        4 months ago

        Actually the german green government will thank them for decarbonizing Germany and stopping evil putin to spreak his malignant influence into muh democratic society.

        Now they can import ethically sourced oil from the free and democratic state of qatar.