edgy fash offsiters try to be functionally different from any other lemmitor challenge [NIGHTMARE DIFFICULTY]

russia-cool putin-wink

      • @wall_inhabiter@lemdro.id
        4 months ago

        Already saw that lol, contemptible stuff

        Wondered why that's the only flag that gets censored? Religious brainworms or worse? Don't really care.

        Also a double "one of these things is not like the others" with Russia being the only one of the states that isn't settler colonialist garbage. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's going on with these symbols.

        • Aquilae [he/him, they/them]
          4 months ago

          For obvious reasons a burning star of david may make our Jewish comrades uncomfortable.

            • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
              4 months ago

              We literally have a ukkkraine flag too, and there's no open social democrats here because they'll either get made fun of or banned for being a fascist

            • Aquilae [he/him, they/them]
              4 months ago

              Once religious symbolism has been appropriated by Nazis, it's okay to burn their flag lol.

              It is the "israeli" flag being burnt. You don't get to decide if it should have the star. Iirc people did report being made uncomfortable when the emoji had it for, again, obvious reasons. Other symbols don't have the same weight of persecution in modern history as the star does.

              Clearly nobody is worried about alienating Russians from the website. Big 🇺🇦🇵🇸🌹 vibes coming off this instance

              What the fuck does this even mean

                • Aquilae [he/him, they/them]
                  4 months ago

                  You're just arguing semantics now. Anyone with a brain can tell that's the "israeli" flag, just without the symbol zionists put in it to weaponize anti-semitism.

                  • @wall_inhabiter@lemdro.id
                    4 months ago

                    Somehow I think this has a lot more to do with the accusation of antisemitism being weaponized successfully, if you're going to combat the allegations of antisemitically burning the Israeli flag by taking them seriously and using a make believe flag instead lol

            • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
              4 months ago

              No one here supports Ukraine or is a socdem. I'm not sure what you're going on about. Are you an ultra or something?

            • ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
              4 months ago

              That's giving Nazis way too much power and legitimacy.

              Also I don't think a religious group known for being historically persecuted is comparable to a nation state.The Israeli flag isn't censored because we are afraid of hurting Israeli feelings it's because we've already been accused of anti-Semitism and don't want to fan that flame when avoidable. It's also out of respect for Jews obviously.

              On another note, hexbear isn't exactly known for supporting Ukraine lmao

              Also I had a look through your profile bc I do that with usernames I recognize. I noticed you will comment a lot of very well thought out and cited pieces and then the next comment is pure trolling or banter. I'm curious if you've been drunk posting or if you just be like that. Lots of removed comments to be curious about as well.

              • @wall_inhabiter@lemdro.id
                4 months ago

                Don't you think it's giving Nazis a little bit too much power and legitimacy for people to justify feeling uncomfortable around burning Israeli flags because they contain the Star of David? Way to make an ongoing genocide about their pearl clutching lmao.

                • hexachrome [they/them]
                  4 months ago

                  god fuck please let me have the emote that at best might not immediately be spammed by wreckers, ive been on the site 3 days so i can 12 angry men this shit if needed

            • @Yurt_Owl
              4 months ago

              I bet your face looks like a testicle

        • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
          4 months ago

          Half the world's Jewish population resides in the Zionist entity and half outside, I don't think that we've reached a saturation point where burning a star of David is appropriate in societies that are still genuinely antisemitic like the US, England, etc. Who cares, it gets the point across ¯\(ツ)/¯ Death to Israel

            • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
              4 months ago

              It's clearly acceptable to burn that flag you idiot, we're just able to replace the symbol easily because it's jpegs online so who gives a shit, in the real world you're incredibly appropriate to burn it even if you reside on some other racist entity like the UK, US, etc. Maybe you're shielded from it but some people still experience actual antisemitism, not this Zionist coddling bullshit, and their concerns are worth noting and integrating.

        • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
          4 months ago

          The biggest problem with the burning star of David is it evokes a very specific part of the holocaust, not just contempt for the country of Israel like the rest of the cool flags. Not even using the flag also specifically identifies it as not a real country - it's is a military cosplaying a state.

        • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
          4 months ago

          The main reason for it is that we get fascist trolls sometimes and we'd rather not have them spamming it.

          Also a double "one of these things is not like the others" with Russia being the only one of the states that isn't settler colonialist garbage.

          I think you are vastly underestimating the number of burning flag emojis we have.