The frothingfash snowfakes are already crying sicko-hexbear-woke tears.

Did they not understand at all what the whole Mutants were coded for?

Stan Lee said it didn't matter if they were Black or White or Latino or whatever - they were Born That Way.

Stan Lee said there is no room for bigotry in Marvel. It has always been stories about what's happening right outside.

The X-men is an anti-bigotry story.

Some history about why things needed to be coded and "in the background" or "closeted" that the frothingfash are sorely missing from the past moral panics this shithole country gone through.

Comics Code Authority

Hayes Code

Remind people who screech about "wokeism" or putting things back in the closet of these shameful relics of the past.

  • Magician [he/him, they/them]
    4 months ago

    I don't know how I feel about the attempt to adapt the animation style, but I'm kinda excited.

    One of my favorite characters is Rogue, and one of my favorite games growing up was X-Men vs Street Fighter.

    It's unsurprising though the response that the anti-woke mob is having. It's still funny though, given that they wouldn't see themselves as the Friends of Humanity or other bigoted groups in-series. Marvel held up a (heavy handed) mirror to their beliefs and these folks are complaining about what is clearly a reflection on them.

    over-your-head at its finest

    • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
      4 months ago

      I don't know how I feel about the attempt to adapt the animation style, but I'm kinda excited.

      the faces don't look quite right to me

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      4 months ago

      It's because the anti-woke crowd isn't actually fans of anything or was ever engaged with any stories or they'd know what x-men was about. They're just clout chasers chasing after anything big to whip up drama for racists and get clicks.