The frothingfash snowfakes are already crying sicko-hexbear-woke tears.

Did they not understand at all what the whole Mutants were coded for?

Stan Lee said it didn't matter if they were Black or White or Latino or whatever - they were Born That Way.

Stan Lee said there is no room for bigotry in Marvel. It has always been stories about what's happening right outside.

The X-men is an anti-bigotry story.

Some history about why things needed to be coded and "in the background" or "closeted" that the frothingfash are sorely missing from the past moral panics this shithole country gone through.

Comics Code Authority

Hayes Code

Remind people who screech about "wokeism" or putting things back in the closet of these shameful relics of the past.

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Did they not understand at all what the whole Mutants were coded for?

    Stan Lee said it didn't matter if they were Black or White or Latino or whatever - they were Born That Way.

    Stan Lee said there is no room for bigotry in Marvel. It has always been stories about what's happening right outside.

    The X-men is an anti-bigotry story.

    It's crazy to think that katz still miss this very obvious (and cool) message. I STILL have people complaining about "woke" at my real life comic shop. Luckily those people are sort of becoming fewer as the real-heads know that comics are for everyone. I'm actually really glad that these losers are being pushed out of nerd-shit. I'm rather anti "fanboy/fandom" in the abstract, but I do think it's generally good that fans of comics and stuff are pretty actively make it known that bigots and other losers don't belong. Which is cool.

    The rest of this post is just an aside about remakes

    I love comics I really do, but I think this sort of nostalgia extraction is just bad for TV, comics, and movies overall. Don't get me wrong taking stuff from the past and doing stuff with it is fine, but just leaning into "Remember when we were able to make good stuff, what if we just re-made that again" is just bad for the medium.

    I think there are tons of great X-men stories that could make for great animation adaptions, and I still think the 90's X-men series rules (and even the bonkers plotlines of today's X-men comics still rule), but I think it's just really bad for comics/tv/movies to just so readily inject nostalgia-ium into your eyeballs. I feel the same way with video game re-makes (FF7, RE4, Dead Space) and we all had this issue during the 2010s where everything was a remake of some 80's film.

    We already have problems getting new characters, new stories, and new ideas into the medium. I know I'm just overthinking it because it's just content slurry at this point, but goddamn it kinda sucks that of all the creative richness Marvel's catalogue offers it sucks to just release a "HD remake".

    Marvel has a lot of stinkers don't get me wrong, but they also have tons of stories and character's that could easily make great animation that could stand beside their DCAU conterparts.