Here's a beautiful turn of words I also saved.

Your conspiracy falls apart when you look at Chelsea Manning, she was sentenced to 35 years, got the government to pay for her transition, her sentence was commuted after 7 years, and she went on to cuckole Elon Musk.



Assange raped two women, used his propaganda outlet to push conspiracy theories and hid in the only embassy that would take him. Later he was kicked out of the Ecuadorian embassy for using it to collude with Russia to influence the US election.

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    8 months ago

    nothing Liberals love more than getting to be Technically Correct at the same time as acting more Nationalist than your Alex Jones watching uncle. They'll atomize everything they claim to hold dear -- a "free" press, the so called "international community", even the humanitarian ideals they swear it's all in service of. The Liberal will crush it all beneath their heel without a second thought, if they think it means they get to be Right while standing up for the good ol' US of A. Your dyed blue, truly irredeemable Liberal will look you in the eye, smile and laugh and agree with you. Then they'll go home and draft a letter to the FBI, to feel the flush of patriotism burn within their breast.