• InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    "Lesser evil"? It takes a liberal-level of a chutzpah to describe Biden that way as he empowers, enables, and arms the Israelis as they openly commit genocide and ethnic cleansing.

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Its fucking sickening to see someone describe what Biden is doing as the "lesser evil" option. There is no lesser evil. Palestinians are being indiscriminately killed, maimed, and ethnically cleansed in Gaza right now. Am I supposed to believe that somehow the Biden admin actually cares about ending the genocide with their occasional throw away soundbites?

      Looking forward to libs acting like they ever cared for Palestinians when Trump gets elected and then chiding people who didn't vote by saying that the genocide wouldn't be happen if we had voted for Biden. I'll support any white "slactivist" not voting for Biden over anyone who acts like they care about Palestinians voting for Biden who is actively killing them right now.

    • edge [he/him]
      4 months ago

      "But Trump would empower, enable, and arm the genocide even worse. At least Biden sends them a get well soon card and a fruit basket after he bombs them."

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        "And - look - you might not like it but studies have shown how important the get well soon card and a fruit basket are to the healing process."


        I can't resist using "look". It's such a lib verbal tic. Take cover. It's a clue that some serious bullshit is incoming.