if you're going to try and get me to read a dogshit horny wish fulfillment romance manga at least have the decency to make it gay

  • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I was on board until libertarian-alert

    like just make the love interest a middle aged office lady if you're writing for straights ffs. Or if you really need to capture the horny teenager market set it in highschool like every other piece of Japanese media

    • Cromalin [she/her]
      4 months ago

      yeah. i am not as anti-horny as many on this site but like. come the fuck on. at the very least have the decency to not do that shit. and also just make porn, you clearly want to, no one reading it is doing it for any emotion they get from the characters or anything, everyone would be happier if they could just admit this was meant for people to jack off to and i could choose to not see it