• barrbaric [he/him]
    4 months ago

    It was about pretentious rich assholes being murdered by the fancy chefs who serve them because the chefs come to realize that the prestige/high pay/etc isn't worth having to deal with the bourgeois. Spoilers for the entire movie.


    In particular, the head chef who has a very prestigious position cooking food for the rich became so alienated that he mass murders the latest group of the ultra-wealthy who patronize his restaurant. He lets the main character live because she isn't ultra-rich, just an escort who was hired to be some rich foodie guy's date. The pivotal scene of the movie is when she asks for just a normal cheeseburger because the main course of "seven types of foam served on a log" wasn't actually food.

    • Egon [they/them]
      4 months ago

      Its not "just" the latest group - he specifically picks this group of people, because they each represent part of what he has come to hate in his customers.

        • Egon [they/them]
          4 months ago

          Maybe? I hadn't thought of that theme, but I guess it could do. I was moreso just thinking of the financebros, the wealthy couple that cannot even name a single dish they've been served, the actor that made a bad movie, the snobby food critic and her enabler and fucking Tyler