    4 months ago

    This is not remotely a right-wing article. It is, however, not the flavor of left-wing that the Western Left prefers at the moment.

    smh the western left truly is useless for checks notes being against colonialism

    • @420stalin69
      4 months ago

      The progressive liberals burden.

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Ah, yeah that comment section is something else. And the comment that this is a reply to is equally cringe.

      This is how I always know you are sincere and authentic. Sometimes you are standing amongst the left-wing I left behind. And then you are so far right my jaw drops. And I learn so much from you! So happy to be a subscriber

      Hey, its one of those "I was a leftist, but..." fascists. Guess being against the genocide made this one leave the left.

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      4 months ago

      not the flavor of left-wing that the Western Left prefers

      What non Western leftists does this dude thinks would like his article? Venezuelan social democrats? Greek anarchists? Chinese MLs? The only audience for this nonsense is Western radlibs who call themselves leftists. He's just mad that a portion of people in the West are mad at his favorite genocidal ethnostate.