Big strong predator that sucks at hunting so much that they need to lure the deer to stand directly in front of their gun.

At that point you're not even a hunter, you're a slob that might as well be ordering from a menu. Pathetic.

      • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Yep. Find a shady spot you know big catfish frequent, logs, brambles, submerged structures, which coincidentally are places alligator snapping turtles like to frequent, and stuck your arm in there. Kinda wave and waggle your fingers, and if something is there itll go for the lure (your hand). Grab its mouth, hold the fuck on, and go for broke.

        Its even more fun when you're three sheets to the wind on Lone Star and Pabst beer.

        • GinAndJuche
          4 months ago

          What’s the process in figuring out if the hole has a fish or a turtle in it?

          • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
            4 months ago

            There is none because anything other than just shoving a hand down there is likely to scare off a potential catch. Luck of the draw i guess. Its probably why i was always a bit buzzed doing it- it takes a bit of liquid courage to get you to do this shit.

            The dude who took me noodling my first time was missing part of his right ring finger, and pinkie finger after having them bitten off by a snapping turtle some years prior. Crazy fuck would go under water and seek out hollows and spots where they might be, and noodle them while submerged.

            • GinAndJuche
              4 months ago

              Chain mail gauntlets would be a noodle game changer.

              Alternatively: “ I’m Johnny Knoxville and this is penis noodling”

              Few things beat drinking in nature though, especially near water. I bet it’s a good time despite the danger.

              • TheDialectic [none/use name]
                4 months ago

                They sell those for butchers. You cna get them real cheap off alibaba. I got a pair for giving cats a bath

              • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
                4 months ago

                It was a whole ton of fun, really. Bunch of half lit dumbasses trying to get catfish to swallow your hand so you can yank them out of the water and show them what everything looks like above the water line. was always fun rounding everyone up, buying a couple cases of Pabst or whatever was cheap, and heading out to just cut loose and accomplish nothing of consequence.

                Havent done it in almost two decades, but id do it again if given a chance.